Showing posts with label policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label policy. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Foreign Policy Recommendations

Vaccinate at least 98 percent of children worldwide for measles. Deliver insecticide sprayed mosquito netting to at least 98 percent of individuals in malaria prone areas.

Bellagio Study Group: Spend 2.5 billion dollars yearly for prevention and treatment of malaria worldwide, four billion dollars yearly for treatment of other childhood illnesses. Per Bjorn Lomborg: Spend $60 million each year to provide micronutrients to 140 million undernourished children. Per the Stop TB Partnership: Provide DOTS tuberculosis treatment to almost all TB victims. Provide hepatitis B vaccinations to high risk individuals. Increase research for dengue fever prevention and treatment.

Ethically fund, oversee, regulate, and enforce a global plan to end tuberculosis by 2030.

Create a $4.1 billion fund to conduct bio-prospecting research and development medically beneficial substances in poor country biological hot-spots, provided any beneficial substances discovered during the prospecting enters the public domain.

Create coordinated import controls of imported oil, so prices do not skyrocket when glitches occur.

Prohibit US government foreign aid, except aid for family planning, illness prevention, medical treatments, and defense from aggression, likewise for private entities receiving US government contracts and or tax entitlements. Require all such aid to be in goods and or services, not money. Require delivery of aid to relevant impoverished individuals, not gangs, oligarchs, government officials, and other likely free riders, except military goods and services delivered to non-corrupt officials.

Ban all US state, local, and or federal government sponsored or insured loans to foreign and or multinational entities. Prohibit US government entities from insuring and or bailing out entities holding bad loans from foreign and or multinational entities.

Prohibit US partnerships, US corporations, US insured entities, and multinational entities employing US citizens from making loans to foreign governments.

Prohibit imports from entities failing to meet at least the minimum ILO health and safety standards. Prohibit imports from entities failing to pay purchasing power parity adjusted minimum wages greater than half the US Federal minimum wage.

Treat required military service for entities engaging in aggression, oligarchism, legalized bribery, plutocratic mass media domination, and criminal punishment of non-wealthy individual political speech as forced labor. Prohibit trade with such entities and other entities using forced labor.
William Greider: Eliminate parts of trade agreements with anything similar to NAFTA's Chapter 11.

Require Peace Corps employees to have beneficial, relevant ethical, scientific, and or technical expertise.

Break off trade relations with nations requiring death, imprisonment or corporal punishment for sexual preference status.

Ban any foreign and or multinational entity from suing any US entity for libel and or slander in any US court. Ban any US entity from upholding any foreign libel, slander and or speech crimes against US entities.

Implement the Copenhagen Consensus 2012 prescriptions.

Replace many import bans from highly unethical global and foreign entities with large negative externality taxes on imports from those entities. Require US allies to do likewise, enacting Pigouvian import taxes on nations refusing to enact the negative externality taxes.

Require strict oversight of all foreign aid.

Prohibit government employees from having romantic and sexual activities with non-US citizens.

Donate and administer 16 million malaria vaccinations per year.

Withdraw US funding for and membership in the club for oligarchal dictatorships, also known as the United Nations, including voluntary contributions, except activities with sufficiently high expected values, including anti-dysgenic policies and positive eugenic policies. Sell the UN building to private entities.

Ban donations of taxpayer money to foreign and international NGOs engaged in political activism.

Defund USAID political programs.

Increase funding for beneficial randomized, active controlled studies, using researchers with excellent knowledge, track records, and willingness to examine all relevant factors. Require publication of all such studies, to reduce publication bias. Increase funding for replication research of such studies.

Create a federally funded internet tube channel or site teaching antitrust, helpful technologies, ethical reasoning, anti-corruption tactics, positive practices to spread beneficial genes, health practices, dysgenics prevention, methods of democracy, and other beneficial subjects, having selectable subtitles in dozens of common languages, correctly defining eugenics as increasing the percentages of genes producing beneficial long-term ethical consequences, defining dysgenics as increasing the percentages of genes producing harmful long-term ethical consequences.

Conduct a randomized, active controlled study of copper alloy plated silverware to prevent dysentery and food poisoning. Do likewise for copper alloy plated plates. And again for copper alloy interior plated drinking water receptacles. Do a study of eating utensils heated to at least 165° Fahrenheit prior to eating. Do efficacy studies of differing methods of hand washing.

Ban the export of tobacco products. Ban the foreign sale of liquor and tobacco products using brand names originating in the US.

Prohibit current or former US corporations, nonprofits, millionaires, billionaires, and trillionaires from giving financial and or material assistance to primarily political foreign and or multinational entities.

Increase research on push-pull pest mitigation plants and practices.

Ban waste disposal of non-rag, non-hazardous, non-undergarment serviceable clothing. Require used, serviceable clothing, including footwear, to be sold or given to other entities, including international charities.

Increase incentives in the Priority Review Voucher program to increase development of cultural and medical interventions having high expected values but low profitability.

Pass the Desert Locust Control Act.

Prohibit US enforcement of non-compete, non-disclosure, and or non-solicitation agreements with private entities that operate in non-democratic countries and or in countries that block self-determination of non-aggressive groups.

Prohibit secret investor-state dispute settlements.  Require Congressional approval of dispute settlement arbitrators. Prohibit lawsuits seeking payments for profit losses caused by fiscal and or monetary policies. 

Withdraw from parts of treaties containing unethical claims.

Prohibit companies from countries opposing democracy, self-determination, and or basic workers' rights of non-aggressive entities from participating in US financial securities exchanges, along with banning companies from countries waging wars of aggression.

Prohibit exemptions to US labor, safety, and environmental regulations in so-called free trade zones.

Prohibit foreign and multinational donations to and purchases from nonprofit entities operating in the United States, except nonprofit entities devoted to providing food, housing, and healthcare to low income individuals.

Pass the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act.

Ban US entities from constructing buildings in other countries having fewer than 8.5 equivalent air changes per hour, except emergency, ad hoc military buildings.

Sign an international agreement reducing corporate taxes in exchange for creating government non-voting, non-managing shares in corporations, thus reducing incentives for tax evasion and tax avoidance strategies.

Eliminate almost all tax avoidance de minimis loopholes on imported goods. Reduce the duty-free threshold on goods carried by international travelers from $800 to below $50. Prohibit tax exemptions on tobacco and drinking ethanol products.

Create an alternative to the World Trade Organization. Exclude China, Russia, Belarus, North Korea, and Sharia countries from membership. Exclude countries refusing repatriates. Withdraw from the World Trade Organization.

Prohibit tariffs on majority US owned business manufactured goods manufactured within 950 miles of the contiguous US states.

Prohibit US government entities from funding social science research outside the United States, except research directly relevant to foreign policies and or international economics, including military policies.

Prohibit US government funded entities from paying ransoms and extortion fees.

Recruit as many nations as able to sign an international treaty gradually phasing in progressive Pigouvian tax shifts, having automatic fines and or trade sanctions on countries violating the treaty.

Prohibit US government entity terrorism, insurgency, counterterrorism, and or counterinsurgency military and financial assistance to foreign entities, except for allies and enemies during wars declared by Congress.

Repeal the McCarran-Walter Act. Repeal the Hart-Celler Act. Repeal the Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986.

Prohibit Federal foreign policy entities from practicing government paid domestic propaganda, including all government funded foreign policy advertising.

To reduce free riding incentives and other harms, make the national median annual household income the maximum annual salary at USAID.

Withdraw from long-term ethical harm causing international agreements.

Ban US government assistance to foreign schools and or to US students attending foreign schools, except to US citizen students attending foreign US government accredited human medical field or veterinary field schools, costing less than a quarter of similar US schools.

JT Fournier, last updated March 4, 2025

Health Policy Recommendations

Create a federally funded, universal, non-corrupt, insurance free, free to enroll health care system open to all US citizens, locally administered, employing medical workers receiving hourly wages, with strict state and federal oversight, charging $5.25 for prescriptions, $12 for physician appointments, $15 for tests, $40 per night for hospital stays, $180 for emergency room treatment, and $15 for most other medical treatments. Require healthy non-payers to perform one hour of community service per $8.10 owed. Permit those wanting to pay for other health care at private facilities that option. Eliminate Medicare, Medicaid, and the prescription drug so-called benefit. Fund comprehensive family planning, including free IUD installations. Legalize citizen re-importation of non-mood altering prescription drugs. Provide for $15 each: eye exams, hearing exams, dental exams, dental x-rays, fillings, and extractions. Permit teenagers access to birth control without parental or guardian approval. Give FDA approval to Plan B. 

Provide CDC recommended vaccines at no charge to patients.

Provide free to patients preventative care providing more overall benefits than harms, including ethical harms and economic costs.

Require children to receive all shots and vaccines recommended by the CDC for children, including hepatitis B vaccinations and vitamin K shots for newborns, along with an Epstein-Barr vaccine once one gets approved, except children with significant medical exemptions. Provide seasonal flu vaccines free to citizens. Require all foreign entrants to the US to have the same vaccines before entering the US.

Create a national registry on how individuals fare after surgeries and other treatments.

Larry Zaroff: Create a nationwide database of drugs prescribed to patients. Make the database available to working pharmacists and those permitted to write prescriptions.

Shannon Brownlee: Create "a new Institute for Effective Medicine. It would serve as a new, independent source of research dollars for medicine. It would provide independent evaluation of data generated by industry. And it would oversee the creation of clinical practice guidelines, a manual of proven best practices for physicians... without industry influence."

Increase Federal medical treatment research, development, and production by at least three percent plus the inflation rate each year for the next 40 years. Use the money to find and implement non-patentable treatments with the highest benefit-cost ratios, sometimes studying the effectiveness of substances lacking patents in new medical applications, comparing the cost effectiveness of all relevant treatments.

Cut the patient population size adjusted numbers of federally funded lower back surgeries by at least 37 percent, tonsillectomies by at least 72 percent, hysterectomies by at least 40 percent, asymptomatic endarterectomies by at least 51 percent, c-sections by at least 35 percent, carpal tunnel surgeries by at least 76 percent, knee replacement surgeries by at least 31 percent, pacemaker implant surgeries by at least 15 percent, angioplasties by at least nine percent, gallbladder removal surgeries by at least eight percent, radical prostatectomies by at least 36 percent, myringotomies by at least 42 percent, inferior vena cava filter implant surgeries by at least 22 percent, non-malignant colorectal polyp surgeries by at least 43 percent, hip replacement surgeries by at least 21 percent, renal artery stenting by at least 84 percent, knee chondroplasties by at least 99 percent.

Cut the percentage of episiotomies to less than six percent of live births.

Prohibit makers and distributors of drugs or medical devices from giving gifts to anyone in the medical industry, except first, second or third degree relatives.

Slash the number of evidence free medical procedures, for example, as proposed here.

Require anyone with a trivial, medically insignificant complaint, who demands an ambulance or emergency room treatment, to pay out  of pocket or perform 20 hours of community service or serve three days in jail (if they fail to pay or show for community service).

Increase non-patentable federal funding for pathogenic vaccine and addictive drug vaccine research, development, and production by at least 100 percent.

Increase federal funding for pain management research and education by 90 percent. Double the number of federally funded pain management clinical trials.

Implement a 70 percent negative externalities VAT on meat, except poultry, sardines, freshwater farmed fish, and destructive non-farmed animals such as nutria, feral swine, Asian carp, and constrictor snakes. Implement a 40 percent VAT on poultry. Create a 60 percent VAT on non-meat food products that provide more than 14 percent of their calories from sugars and non-sugar refined flour. Ban the retail sale to children under 17 of foods having more than 14 percent of their calories from sugars.

Fully fund the Johns Hopkins Clinical Compound Screening Initiative to test existing drugs for efficacy against illnesses they were not developed to help.

Require drug makers to remove drugs from the market when follow up studies indicate harms outweigh benefits. End federal funding for treatments with overall harms outweighing overall benefits.

Prohibit rebates for pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Amend relevant privacy laws to collect, analyze, and publish price and quality data on doctors. Pass the National Medical Error Disclosure and Compensation Bill, creating a national database of medical errors, along with researching injury prevention and implementing injury prevention programs.

Require medical field schools to increase the number of nursing school graduates by at least 85 percent, medical school graduates 78 percent, and other medical field graduates 68 percent to qualify for federal health care funds and financial aid. Continue changing numbers of medical field graduates in proportion to population changes. Create one national medical licensing board. 

Prohibit medical field workers from working more than 15 straight hours, except during medical emergencies. Require such workers to leave their work places for at least nine hours after shifts end.

Increase funding for Toxoplasma Gondii research.

Reinstate the US entry ban on HIV positive individuals and others testing positive for pathogens likely to cost citizens more than $1,000. 

End the ban on stem cell research. 

Increase funding on flu vaccine research and production by at least $200 million per year.

Stockpile 460 million doses of smallpox vaccine, enough for every citizen and for non-Americans at places of outbreaks.

Provide Federal funding to produce and distribute vaccines costing fewer than $40 each from production to patient delivery, leaving no purchase cost for recipients.

Legalize irradiation for all legal foods.

Separate prisoners with lethal contagious pathogens from the rest of the prison population. Prohibit prisons from hiring guards having lethal contagious diseases.

Permit pharmacists, phlebotomists, paramedics, pharmacy technicians, and emergency medical technicians to administer vaccines.

Require government purchasers of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to act as buyers' cartels, demanding cost efficient prices.

Require dietary supplements to comply with FDA drug laws, banning the sale of any not complying.

Allow competent adults to sell their body parts and to sell their future cadavers. (Bruce Gottlieb: 2,300 people a year die waiting for kidney transplants. Kidneys from dead people last eight years. Kidneys donated from the living last 17 years. Dialysis costs $40,000 per year for those waiting for a transplant.)

Increase Federal community housing funding and placements for mentally ill homeless individuals.

Ban intellectual property claims on medical treatments developed in part with government funds.

Require vaccine researchers and manufacturers to create challenge studies, recruiting study participants at least 99 percent unlikely to suffer death or long-term disabling adverse events, during vaccine lacking viral pandemics at least 40 percent likely to kill at least 80,000 Americans. Incentivize vaccine manufacturers to produce pandemic relevant vaccines as soon as relevant phase II vaccine trials begin, even if some vaccines fail to gain eventual FDA approval and must be discarded.

Encourage national pandemic vaccine and medication distributions based on expected values when shortages exist, roughly infection fatality rates plus permanent disability rates, times probabilities of infections, times remaining life expectancies for subgroups, with age, work, gender, health histories, numbers of individuals living together among the factors used for classifying subgroups, putting mass destructive people last: billionaires, elected officials, lobbyists, national TV news people, financializers, college administrators, retired politicians, pro sports folks, oligopoly executives, and Hollywood executives.

David Manstein: "Government should offer to buy put-options for any vaccine production facilities... started now that they don't use... pay 102% of the cost, plus 1% per month, less than two years to completion... a functional facility, with inspections by an independent body."

Fund research on many mask types, various mask air gap closing devices, and masks dried after soaking in hydrophilic solutions.

Permit probate judges to require daily antipsychotic medications for mental illness caused psychosis, regardless whether such mentally ill individuals pose a threat to themselves or others.

Require new smart phones and computers to have important health information apps and extensions pre-installed, including personalizable pandemic information.

Require quarantine detainees to participate in ethical medical research.

Prohibit products from being advertised as health enhancing, except when having approval by the FDA and having suggestive evidence from replicated, independent, controlled clinical trials.

Require the FDA to approve or not approve treatments based on ethical expected values. Require the FDA and pharmaceutical manufacturers to recommend dose sizes with greatest known situational ethical expected values, not greatest profit values, not lawsuit avoidance values, not arbitrary rules.

Ban government entities from charging sales taxes, excise taxes, and value added taxes on FDA approved pharmaceuticals, except aspirin and acetaminophen. Prohibit government entities from charging sales taxes, excise taxes, and value added taxes on medical masks and pulse oximeters and nicotine gums and blood pressure machines and air filtration equipment sufficient to filter corona viruses and most other airborne virus particles.

Prohibit pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers from charging US entities more for each medication and or device than the mean they charge entities in other countries having per capita incomes above $14,000 per year.

Place organ donation stickers on all driving licenses and state ID cards. Require individuals to opt out if they do not wish to donate organs. Place opt out individuals lower on lists to receive organ donations.

Require 72-years-old and older drivers to pass written and road driving tests once every two years.

Prohibit the importation of medical use masks that fail to block at least 93 percent of virus-size particles.

Permit licensed pharmaceutical prescribers to prescribe mifepristone and misoprostol. Reasons: little danger, earlier abortions rather than more and later abortions.

Require all acetaminophen tablets to contain low doses of N-acetyleysteine to prevent overdoses.

Allocate at least $30 million annually for the study and development of 18-mc, noribogaine, and similar drugs.

Make tianeptine a federal Schedule II drug.

Require dietitian and secondary health classes to emphasize the benefits of intermittent fasting, low carb-high fiber foods, and avoidance of becoming overweight throughout life, given the research suggesting the rarity of individuals being able to lose weight and keep it off, along with avoidance of processed meats.

Require all new mattresses and couches to have at least 16 point font visible advisory labels that side sleepers should sleep with their lower legs dangling off. Require all new mattresses to have at least 16 point font visible advisory labels that side sleeping on mattresses softer than extra firm harms backs.

Provide federal funds to make medical field faculty pay competitive with private sector pay.

Prohibit the addition of phosphorus to corporation manufactured processed foods.

Require post-secondary schools to increase the ratio of medical field students to faculty.

Implement these pathogen testing policies.

Require each new adult size bed sold in the US to have at least one open end, so legs may hang off.

Mail at least 14 reusable KF94 or N95 masks to each United States citizen above the age of eight.

Make 80 years hard labor the mandatory minimum sentence for individuals trying to creating new pandemic pathogens or reviving pandemic pathogens from the past.

Ban food advertising, except by food retailers owning or renting fewer than 14 buildings. Prohibit all radio and television food advertising.

Prohibit the importation of medical use masks from China.

Prohibit private and government funding for any virologist or related scientist and their research, who has made public claims supporting pathogen gain of function research or made public claims defending the so-called right of scientists to pursue research with negative ethical expected values.

Eli Dourado and Joanne Peng: "areas that the NIA could invest in include building tools for understanding molecular mechanisms of aging, establishing and validating aging biomarkers, and funding more early-stage clinical trials for promising drugs."

Ban human hospitals and medical clinics from being owned by for profit entities.

Ban alcohol and tobacco advertising. Prohibit the sale, manufacture, and importation of tobacco products containing more than 0.3 percent nicotine by mass.

Prohibit states and local governments from banning mask mandates of building owners and managers.

Test more cancer drugs on humans, including many that failed on mice.

Prohibit snowboarding, Alpine skiing, mountain climbing, and rock climbing for individuals under age 18. 

Require approved helmet wearing by participants at snowboarding, Alpine skiing, mountain climbing, and rock climbing facilities.

Prohibit for-profit dentistry services by businesses and individuals unlicensed to perform those services, including veneer tech services.

Terminate FDA drug export license requirements. Prohibit patents on new medical treatments longer than two syllables and 13 letters.

Shift funding from failed dementia strategies to studying, preventing, and reversing cellular aging.

Prohibit medical providers from prescribing aspirin for joint injuries. Prohibit taxes on enteric coated aspirin tablets under 110 mg. Create a 100 percent value added tax on aspirin tablets larger than 110 mg.

Require landlords, by dates of move in, to provide properly working carbon monoxide alarms in rental properties containing landlord provided fuel burning appliances.

Pass the PASTEUR Act. Create a $100 million prize for each completely new antibiotic developed and manufactured in the US, approved by the FDA, medically successful for at least 5 years.

Prohibit current and former FTC, SEC, DOJ, FDA, and OSHA employees earning or previously earning annual government salaries greater than the median annual household income from receiving total remuneration greater than the median annual household income per year from all non-governmental entities combined. 

Prohibit former corporate executives and managers from being employed by the FTC, SEC, FDA, OSHA, and Antitrust Division.

Prohibit physical obstruction of legal health and other legal humanitarian services.

Treat deliberate, politically motivated misuse or overuse of legal health and other legal humanitarian services as terrorism.

Prohibit public funding for psychotherapy treatments not proven beyond a reasonable doubt to produce at least 35 percent better results than regression to the mean with active controls--and no fraud, p-hacking, publication biases, etc.

Prohibit public funding for currently approved antidepressant drugs for longer than five days.

Ban public funding of surgical treatments for TMD.

Require human hospitals to report causes of deaths statistics.

Require public school meals to provide at least 94 percent of their calories from plants, to deliver at least 2.8 grams of fiber per 100 calories, contain fewer than 30 percent of their calories from refined carbohydrates, and fewer than 2.1 grams of sugars per 100 calories.

Revoke FDA approval of Aducanumab.
Revoke FDA approval of Kisunla.

Goodman and Musgrave: Require cost estimates prior to any medical service over $160, except in cases where the patient or their representatives are not fit to respond and the patient needs immediate care.

Offer and recommend bird flu vaccines to livestock workers.

Ban licensing of new US physicians having medical degrees from outside the United States, Japan, Taiwan, Grenada, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, and NATO nations.

Ban government funded knee replacement surgeries in individuals above age 77.

Require likely surgery patients and or their guardians to receive handouts listing the probabilities and expected values of harmful and beneficial surgical outcomes, along with probabilities and expected values of habitually practiced non-surgical alternatives, except in emergency cases. Require the following quote at the top of handouts: "The probabilities of beneficial surgical outcomes are likely lower than research suggests because of p-hacking, research fraud, publication bias, regression to the mean, some patients being too wimpy or demoralized to criticize procedures, benefits of post-surgery therapies outweighing surgical harms, and hundreds of other junk science causes. The likely harms of surgeries are higher for similar reasons." Create a frequently updated Federal database listing probabilities and expected values of surgical harms and benefits, the same for non-surgical alternatives, along with handout forms.

Create a mandatory minimum $800 fine and 90 hours community service punishment for communicating a medical treatment related threat to a pet or human medical treatment provider.

Prohibit industry royalty payments to individual government employed researchers, including payments through friends and relatives, for government-sponsored research.

Require packages of N95 masks to include instructions for effective reuse.

Require elected officials and political appointees above age 61 to make their health records public or resign.

Ban pharmaceutical manufacturers and middlemen from charging more than 60 percent more than the costs of manufacturing, distributing, and insuring non-patent pharmaceuticals.

Ban limited liability protections for corporations selling alternative medicine products and or performing alternative medicine procedures, including non-vitamin, non-mineral supplements, for alternative medicine relevant harms caused.

Prohibit hospice care entities from having mean after-tax profit margins greater than 6.8 percent. Prohibit hospice care entities from giving anyone more than $180,000 per year in all remuneration. Prohibit any entity from owning more than one hospice care entity. Prohibit hospice care entities from receiving government funding if more than 13 percent of their patients over the past two years live more than six months. Prohibit physicians referring patients to hospice care from receiving more than $16 per year from hospice care entities. Prohibit family members from receiving remuneration from any hospice entity they have a first degree relative in. Create a lifetime hard labor mandatory minimum sentence for murdering hospice patients.

Require all businesses developing and or manufacturing pharmaceuticals to be sole proprietorships and or have the same legal liabilities as sole proprietorships, the same for businesses owning pharmaceutical intellectual properties.

Prohibit states and local governments from banning FDA approved vaccines.

In government funded studies having p-values and sample sizes, require sample sizes and p-values within the first three sentences of abstracts and introductions.

Require public publication of every drug prescribed to judges, generals, admirals, presidents, governors, and legislators.

Streamline processes for mental health treatments, for example, permit physicians assistants and nurse practitioners to prescribe same dose mental health medications to individuals successfully on medications for at least five months.

Prohibit manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer pharmaceutical and medical device prices greater than 15 percent more than the mean of other NATO countries.

Pass the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2016.

Prohibit government entities from renting medical equipment. Prohibit government entities from paying rental costs for medical equipment rented to patients. Require government entities to purchase medical equipment for their use and patient use, lending sufficiently beneficial or sufficiently harm preventing equipment to patients at no cost to patients.

Prohibit the over-the-counter sale of phenylephrine.

Ban the insertion of stents for chest pain.

Ban government paid shoulder impingement surgeries and functional endoscopic sinus surgeries.

Prohibit the sale of new SUVs and pickups having hood heights greater than 39 inches.

Require professional sports entities and intercollegiate sports having post-secondary schools to pay for any disability payments sent to former professional and intercollegiate athletes for injuries sustained or aggravated by participation in professional or intercollegiate sports.

For each dollar the median US patient's monthly supply of a pharmaceutical for a chronic illness exceeds both $40 for payees and three times its production costs, reduce relevant intellectual property rights 30 days.

Approve the over-the-counter sale of female oral contraceptives. Prohibit abortion parental consent laws.

Permit the over-the-counter sale of adjustable arch hard orthotics.

Prohibit cosmetic butt, breast, and penile implant procedures.

Require livestock and veterinary workers to receive covid, pneumonia, seasonal flu, and bird flu vaccines when available.

Prohibit disability claims and compensation for emotional trauma.

Gradually increase the percentage of well run phase II and phase III trials done by Federal entities having no medical conflicts of interests.

Ban all homeopathic medications and supplements.

Prohibit medical and social science researchers and sponsors from hiding study procedures and results, except for House approved national security reasons.

Require licenses and a minimum age of 16 to operate motorized vehicles having motor assisted top speeds above 20 mph on public roads. Prohibit such vehicles from operating on public sidewalks, except to cross sidewalks.

Prohibit individuals under age 18 from being passengers on motor assisted, top speed above 20 mph eBikes, motorcycles, and tricycles.

Prohibit anyone from deliberately disabling another individual because the other individual seeks to self-identify as disabled.

Require bicycle, tricycle, and motorcycle operator and passenger helmet wearing on public roads.

Give FDA approval for the sale of pharmaceuticals and other medical treatments approved in the majority of Northwestern European countries, along with preventative therapies, except medical therapies and treatments for changing ethics related acts and beliefs.

Ban government in vitro fertilization funding for women above age 39.

Prohibit government funded treatment for erectile dysfunction and or penis enlargement.

Prohibit any individual having both a prior violent crime conviction and clinically diagnosed schizophrenia from living in any household possessing firearms.

Prohibit so-called recovered memory therapy, revoking licenses of psychology field workers practicing it.

Pass the Pharmacists Fight Back Act, limiting the power of destructive middlemen.

Prohibit the retail sale of oral phenylephrine.

Ban billing patients for psychoanalytic therapies. Ban government funded psychoanalytic therapies. Ban government funded psychoanalytic research and education. Ban government funding and billing of patients for therapies promoting nurture assumptions.

Ban patents on treatment delivery methods.

Implement these pharmacy benefit manager reforms.

Conduct additional safety studies on Belviq, a weight loss drug removed from sale in the US.

Prohibit government funded fertility treatments, except highly eugenic sperm banks and or egg banks for both IQ and ethical character.

Prohibit sperm and egg banks from collecting and revealing the height and or sports achievements of sperm and egg donors.

Create a chain of government funded dental clinics providing free fillings, extractions, medically required procedures, and other basic, non-cosmetic services.

Require digital new motor vehicle audio and temperature controls to disable while the motor vehicle is in motion, except windows.

Prohibit court ordered psychological therapies for non-criminal acts, except colossal environmental self-improvement therapies and or medication based therapies.

Remove from WIC and other Federal food programs: meat and foods containing more than 20 percent of their calories from unhealthy carbs, including fructose, except tilapia, catfish, sardines, and hexapods.

Ban the prescribing of opiates for osteoarthritis and other chronic joint  and or connective tissue injuries.

Prohibit NIH employees from obtaining royalties on NIH activities.

Keep beneficial government inspections from falling behind schedules by the highest expected value means available.

Require at least annual, random, and stealthy FDA inspections of all facilities where drugs for the US market are tested or manufactured. Ban facilities and their executives from United States medical markets for repeated or systemic fraud. Reject any private medical study from foreign facilities with rates of positive efficacy results higher than the 70th percentile of similar U.S. facilities.

JT Fournier, last updated March 7, 2025

Education Recommendations

Provide Federal matching funds for summer school and after school programs in typing, statistics, English style, English grammar, informal logic, home economics, strength training, interval training, vocational education, consequentialist ethics, and rule consequentialist ethics.

Require full year public school students to attend a mean of at least 1150 hours in grades one through six, except during natural disasters or other emergencies.

Create a $1.90 per semester hour federal self-study university, including grad school. Provide all study materials online for free, including documentary-style lectures, along with e-reader file types of textbooks and required readings. Require students to take in person tests, requiring biometric state photo ID or federal photo ID proof of self before enrolling and taking tests. Ban the university from charging students for services beyond tuition, transcripts, and graduation services. Ban the university from having intercollegiate sports. Demand the university take steps to ensure at least 45 percent of its graduates perform at least at the fortieth percentile on non-university professional exams. Implement an $88,000 maximum salary at the university for all individuals. Ban all professors from assigning any text costing the anyone more than $40. Maintain at least a 39 to one student to faculty ratio and 32 to one faculty to administrator ratio. Provide few humanities and social science classes, except logic and long-term consequentialist and rule consequentialist ethics. 

Create hundreds of subject area tests similar to CLEP tests, except for laboratory classes, requiring baccalaureate granting publicly funded schools to give college credits to test takers scoring above the medians of students who have passed the courses and taken the subject tests within 30 days after finishing the courses. Require taking of CLEP and CLEP-like tests at test centers.

Eliminate government funded bilingual education programs.

Ban administrator teacher evaluations based on student evaluations and test score results.

Require would be education majors to spend 280 clock hours substitute teaching at public schools having Hispanic or African-American majorities before their junior post-secondary year. Ban state rules requiring a specific number of college hours before substitute teaching.

Create a valid in every state federal teacher certification system, having an application fee of not more than $14.

Prohibit all schools receiving public funds, including tax entitlements, from requiring students to read from or listen to or recite from any religious text.

Eliminate government payments to the so-called Teach for America and other parasitic middlemen.

Prohibit government funding for for-profit schools. Prohibit government funding for any primary or secondary educational entity paying any non-physician more than twice the local median income per year. Prohibit government funding for religious schools.

Prohibit media company mergers and acquisitions exceeding $800,000.

Eliminate Hope Scholarships. (Hope scholarships encourage price gouging by colleges. They are unjust to those who do not go to college. College grads earn more over their lifetimes. They encourage people to attend college who would otherwise be doing better things with their lives. Many college degrees create no overall ethical benefits.)

Ban school specific lawsuits against teachers, K-12 schools, and school districts, except when assaults or physical injuries occur.

Require national end of course exams in all public school courses. Require that national exams be 15 percent of final grades. Test public school students in math and reading in the first, fourth, and eighth grades. Publish statistical reports of the performance of all schools.

Ban universities from requiring more than 120 semester hours or trimester equivalent for bachelor's degree programs.

Remove LCD and other glowing screens from public primary and secondary classrooms, except in computer and vocational classrooms.

During unplanned school closures, emphasize book, audio, and paper assignments much more than screen lessons.

Create advanced placement courses for songwriting, human genetics, public health, and copy editing, along with human anatomy and physiology. 

Pay students $500 in federal funds for each math, science, songwriting, and copy editing AP course they earn both a B or higher course end grade for and four or higher AP test score for, except social science courses. 

Permit homeschooled students to take AP tests. 

Require all publicly funded post-secondary schools to give at least four semester credits or trimester equivalent to students for each AP test they earn a four or five on.

Ban post-secondary schools from paying retirement benefits to current and former non-medical administrators and non-medical tenured professors as a bit of justice for their massive frauds against students and societies. Apply their pension funds to college loan debts of underemployed graduates.

Require publicly funded post-secondary schools to accept all earned credits from a transferring student or not admit the transferring student.

Provide federal funding for further research on:
  1. Know Your Body health ed programs at public primary schools but removing the self-esteem building parts of the programs.
  2. Life Skills Training or Project ALERT or both.
  3. Prenatal and Infancy Nurse Home Visitation Programs.
  4. GEARUP.
Ban government funded primary and secondary schools from having foreign language requirements. 

Prohibit post-secondary schools from having foreign language requirements for non-foreign language and non-international relations students.

Prohibit the Department of Defense from partnering with for-profit feature films and television.

Prohibit schools from charging mandatory student activities fees and similar fees.

Open non-medical licensing and licensing exams to individuals completing self-study courses.

Ban any publicly funded schooling institution from purchasing for students any textbook costing more than $40. Prohibit any publicly funded schooling institution from requiring the purchase by students of any textbook costing more than $40.

Pass the Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2009.

Require secondary schools and public vocational schools to teach marketable, in demand skills to non-college track students.

Eliminate government funding for secondary and post-secondary schools failing to grade solely on merit.

Require all publicly funded logic and ethics classes to teach these important principles of ethics:
  1. Pursue alternatives having sufficiently beneficial overall results or pursue least harmful alternatives in Hobson's choices, except in rare cases when combinations of rules and results outweigh only results.
  2. Make sufficient open-minded searches for good points.
  3. Weigh accurately the good points from all relevant sides against each other, regardless of irrelevant social and other pressures to reflexively reject some sides and give extra weight to preferred sides. Use something similar to the direct rating method for comparing good points from various sides.
  4. Treat fallacies as worthless to argument weight, not as strikes against an argument.
  5. Keep looking for more important problems.
  6. Treat ethical behavior as more important than all other traits combined.
Create an $9,900 annual school year voucher for parents homeschooling children from their sixth birthday until their fourteenth, including schooling done in the homes of friends and other community members, provided such children score in the top half of their age groups on required year end standardized academic tests, excluding students having down syndrome, closed head injuries, and other large, easily identifiable cognitive deficits from such tests. Prorate the voucher for children spending less than the full school year being homeschooled. Create a $3,800 per year homeschool voucher from the day after their fourteenth birthday to their seventeenth birthday.

Prohibit any public post-secondary school from naming any object in honor of their athletes or administrators they employed in the past 50 years.

Implement a 99 percent annual wealth tax on non-vocational school endowments. Send the money to food banks, homeless shelters, pathogen fighting organizations, and individuals with hourly wages below 13 dollars per hour.

Prohibit secondary and post-secondary education to prisoners, except vocational education.

Prohibit publicly funded schools from funding political groups.

Require public secondary schools to provide healthy students with one class hour each year of lower body strength training and interval training on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, upper body training and health education on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with upper body homework on Saturdays. Include at least three class hours of epidemiology per year with the health lessons.

Require the following courses for public high school graduation, in addition to the above health and physical education classes, beginning four years from now: half year each of grammar, biology, statistics, anti-corruption, anti-oligarchy, and home economics, plus one year each of informal logic and long-term consequentialist and rule consequentialist ethics. Require the statistics course to include at least two weeks of ethically risk neutral personal finance. Prioritize genetics in the biology class. Make other high school courses electives.

Switch medical school training to six years with no undergrad requirements, meaning most future physicians would enter medical school straight from high school. Likewise eliminate undergrad requirements for law, dental, veterinary, and physician assistant schooling. Eliminate most non-nursing class requirements to become registered nurses, making them three year programs. Also permit obtaining law credentials through testing, self-study, and apprenticeships.

Require employers providing employee tuition assistance to provide similar non-tuition remuneration to other employees.

Give primary and secondary teachers the right to temporarily or permanently remove students from their classrooms. Ban dumping removed students on other teachers without the approval of such teachers. Require such students to drop out or serve in school suspensions.

Require mechanical typewriters for typing classes.

Ban mainstreaming of emotionally impaired students.

Require students to be in the academic top 25 percent in middle school grades or at least one academic standardized test to attend publicly funded college track post-primary schools.

Permit individuals above the age of 11 to earn and receive General Equivalency Diplomas.

Require standardized test proctoring by individuals unaffiliated with students taking the tests. Require non-public school primary and secondary students to take IQ tests. Require non-public school primary and secondary students, attending non-public schools for at least the previous 180 school days, scoring at least 20 percentile points lower than their IQ percentile positions on year end academic tests to return to public schools the next school year, except when graduating, dropping out or taking medical absences.

Repeal and or defund the Common Core Initiative, Bilingual Education Act, Race to the Top Initiative, No Child Left Behind Act, Every Student Succeeds Act, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and Improving America's Schools Act of 1994.

Repeal the Higher Education Act of 1965, along with its amendments.

Eliminate public school kindergarten.

Permit individuals employed for more than 600 hours in the last 100 days to receive high school diplomas after completing tenth grade.

Require public schools to give academic letter or numerical grades for every student enrolled at least 60 days.

Ban each post-secondary school from continuing to offer a degree in a field when fewer than 70 percent of that school's working age graduates from that field find employment in that field.

Lower the age students may voluntarily drop out to 12. Require students dropping out before their eighteenth birthday to be employed at least 30 hours per week at least 44 weeks per year. Or perform community service or attend other schooling at least 30 hours per week at least 44 weeks per year.

Ban government entities from requiring master's or other advanced degrees for K-12 teachers and administrators.

Ban public funded primary and secondary schools from paying graduate degree having teachers more because they have graduate degrees.

Permit national teaching licenses to associate degree citizen applicants having no felony arrests and no history of being fired by schools, who score in the top 30 percent of the NTE, along with having at least 280 clock hours substitute teaching.

Require the number of faculty at public post-secondary schools to out number the number of administrators paid more than the lowest paid faculty member by at least 38 to one, except in medical fields.

Prohibit public post-secondary schools from funding the political and or entertainment activities of students and administrators.

Ban individuals older than their 19th birthdays from starting a semester at public primary and secondary schools.

End government spending on foreign media.

Ban schools from accepting financial donations from foreign and multinational entities.

Prohibit employees of publicly owned post-secondary schools from receiving remuneration for advertising appearances.

Require all businesses moving employment outside the United States to pay at least 62 percent of costs for all local, state, and Federal trade adjustment assistance programs.

Eliminate government funding for causal attempt social science research that fails to make well-reasoned efforts to control for or tease out genetic factors where relevant.

Ban states and local governments from reducing mean class sizes below 21 students per classroom.

Ban schools from prohibiting students in the top seven percent in grades and or standardized test scores from choosing to skip grades.

Eliminate Federal consent decrees and disparate impact policies.

Prohibit political appointees and state governments from banning or minimizing suspensions and expulsions.

Prohibit post-secondary schools from charging more than 13 times the local median hourly wage per semester hour or trimester equivalent, seven times the local median hourly wage per semester hour for vocational schools and community colleges.

Prohibit for-profit post-secondary schools from accreditation by government funded entities.

Eliminate Public Service Loan Forgiveness for occupations other than primary and secondary school teaching, requiring at least 22 years employment in such teaching for forgiveness.

Prohibit publicly funded education entities from having political or religious loyalty requirements for students, including in applications, along with prohibiting giving weight to political or religious considerations in applications and graduations.

Require schools to counsel students having below the median grades in calculus I classes, along with ACT or SAT math test scores below the 94th percentile, to avoid majoring in math or engineering or physical sciences.

Prohibit corporations from purchasing, leasing or controlling housing on public post-secondary school properties.

Require public vocational and post-secondary schools to publish accurate data on employment prospects, median incomes, and employment rates of graduates in their fields of study.

Require all public and private post-secondary alternative medicine schooling entities to fire all employees and contractors, then shut down. Ban government funding for indigenous knowledge education.

Require post-secondary schools to website list their on campus arrests, the types of crimes alleged, and whether hazing occurred.

Train primary and secondary education teachers through no cost student teaching, substitute teaching, and an online teaching methods boot camp.

Prohibit publicly funded schools from giving honorary degrees.

Prohibit government entities from requiring post-secondary education credentials for daycare employees, except first aid and relevant child care courses for daycare employees not receiving such training in secondary schools.

Repeal the Disabilities Education Act.

Prohibit states from mandating preschool through grade 12 educational curricula.

Prohibit paying government funds to students and or their families for school attendance and or academic performance, except for adequate advanced placement grades and or test performance.

Prohibit student, government, and post-secondary entities from paying for post-secondary accreditation agencies, except in science, medical, engineering, and vocational fields.

Ban schools and government entities from funding lobbyists. 

Prohibit individual publicly funded elementary and secondary schools from paying their highest paid full-time teachers more than eight percent more than their lowest paid full-time teachers, excluding pay for extracurricular, summer school, driver education, and after school activities

Require new college and vocational students to serve at least an 80-hour internship in the field they plan to study before they start required classes within that major.

Prohibit individual publicly funded school districts from paying administrators greater than 45 percent more than the median salaries of their full time teachers.

Create rights for dissenting students and or parents to receive education vouchers for private schools or homeschooling when teachers, politicians, and or administrators at their nearest public K through 12 schools have political rules, rewards, punishments, and or litmus tests for students.

Prohibit government funding of for-profit schools, religious schools, and or schools paying any non-physicians greater than twice the median annual household income, including funding through vouchers and or student aid.

Require K-16 schools to pay for medical treatments resulting from student injuries acquired during school sponsored sports activities.

Require public school districts to reduce their percentages of administrators, adjusted for changes in student populations, to levels they had in 1990 or below.

Prohibit publicly funded schools from selling and or distributing processed meats and foods containing more than 14 percent of their calories from sugars.

Grant majority parental and guardian vote the right to break off their childrens' schools from existing school districts.

Ban state governments from making non-financial education laws, except when those laws have been approved by majorities of statewide voters.

Prohibit existing publicly funded post-secondary schools from constructing new buildings and stadiums, except to replace uninhabitable buildings and stadiums when the long-term costs of repairing uninhabitable buildings are greater than the long-term costs of new buildings. Ban additions to existing publicly funded post-secondary school buildings, except when new scientific and technical equipment require additions.

Prohibit public schooling entities from replacing habitable schools for fallacious rhetoric about improving academic achievement.

Ban government entities from race, ethnicity, and religion norming grades, the same for licensing, certifications, and civil service testing. Prohibit accrediting entities from accrediting schools using these practices.

Prohibit publicly funded schools from having lower admissions standards for donors, athletes, legacy individuals,  school employees, and relatives of school employees. Define public funding to include government funded student grants, loans, and scholarships.

Require each post-secondary school to offer each required class for each of its degree programs at least once per year.

Prohibit any post-secondary school from having a class size limit on any class having more students wanting to take the class than the class size limit.

Ban publicly funded secondary schools from teaching non-vocational technology courses.

Ban post-secondary schools from requiring humanities, social science, and natural science courses for students not majoring in the humanities, social sciences or natural sciences, except courses in informal logic, consequentialist ethics, and rule consequentialist ethics.

Require public universities to stop offering degrees in fields having fewer than a mean of 13 students in those fields' 300 and 400 level classes, except when receiving waivers for well-reasoned trade or national security reasons.

Ban employers from charging employees and 1099 recipients for training.

Require every college student, who has not passed informal logic,  consequentialist, and or rule consequentialist ethics courses in high school, to pass school or self-study courses of same before college graduation.

Ban publicly funded education entities from giving weight to student interviews for admissions.

Create a moratorium on viral genetics classes.

Implement a $16,220 per student, per class negative externalities tax on post-primary law, business, dietitian, phlebotomy, nutritionist, humanities, acupuncture, landscaping, cosmetology, social science, fashion design, insurance field, medical management, medical administration, alternative medicine, and so-called artificial intelligence classes at publicly funded schools, except music, logic, grammar, accounting, English style, anti-dysgenics, long-term consequentialist ethics, and rule consequentialist ethics, and risk neutral finance classes. Ban financial aid to students taking those subjects. Ban classes on how to influence political decision making with artificial intelligence at publicly funded schools.

Ban post-secondary schools from awarding degrees in general studies, multidisciplinary studies, and similar fields.

Require physical education teachers to pass an injury prevention course or written injury prevention test, focused on the prevention of soft tissue and hard tissue injuries during weightlifting and interval training.

Prohibit any post-secondary teacher from knowingly engaging in sexual activity with any student attending any school the teacher taught at in the past 180 days, except with a spouse.

Ban from school property any older than their 12th birthday individual communicating a felony or misdemeanor threat to school workers or volunteers.

Ban from school property any older than their 12th birthday individual assaulting another individual on school property or in school vehicles.

Prohibit school funding based on grades, pass rates, retention rates, and or graduation rates.

Repeal the FUTURE Act.

Prohibit post-secondary schools from using student and taxpayer funds to pay athletic department lawsuit costs.

Prohibit students receiving athletic scholarships from receiving publicly funded grants and loans.

Make the national median annual household income the maximum annual salary for post-secondary school athletic department employees, except medical field employees.

Fund studies to compare the benefits and harms of many types of apprenticeship programs.

Ban school districts from merging, except to increase available AP and vocational classes.

Ban three-cueing reading programs at public schools.

Ban judges, administrators, and or elected officials from requiring ethnic, racial, and or religious history education at publicly funded schools.

Defund Upward Bound, Even Start Family Literacy Program, and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.

Ban publicly funded sex education classes from teaching topics other than chastity, anatomy, physiology, 
birth control, sexual health, assault avoidance, assault reporting, reproductive health, dysgenics prevention, plus the colossal benefits of eugenics and marriage to the ethical universe, especially to parents and children themselves.

Eliminate government funded programs to increase high-speed internet access. High-speed internet increases hedonism and other harmful activities.

Create a 185 percent of tuition costs  federal student loan program for US citizens in critical shortage fields at post-secondary schools having semester hour costs below the national median, excluding so-called social sciences and the humanities.

Prohibit publicly funded medical schools from accepting first-year students older than their 29th birthdays on the first day of classes, except students under age 41 having MCAT scores among the top five percent of MCAT takers.

Fund and conduct some ruthlessly accurate studies on how to instill a spirit of meritarian beneficence in citizens.

Fund a universal, public school provided lunch program, having no profit taking by the financial industry. Prohibit cafeteria workers from throwing away leftover unspoiled foods. Require donation of leftover unspoiled foods to students or charities. Prohibit serving celery and processed meats by schools.
Prohibit schools from serving foods containing more than 13 percent of their calories from sugars.

Prohibit publicly funded entities from paying more than $200 to guest speakers per speech.

Prohibit secondary schools from requiring students to take more than one science class, except for students planning to major in STEM and or medical fields. 

Prohibit high schools from requiring students to take more than one math class, except for students planning to major in STEM and or medical fields.

Prohibit high schools and post-secondary schools from requiring students to take English classes beyond grammar, vocabulary, and English style, except for students majoring in or planning to major in the humanities.

Make the national median annual household income the maximum annual salary for administrators at publicly funded post-secondary schools, including funding through student grants and loans.

Provide Federal funding to pay talented musical artists working class wages for original and expired copyright, new lyric cover songs teaching beneficial, important, non-political academic subjects--including health, logic, statistics, home economics--using mnemic aids. Pay bonuses based on increased numbers of unique user streams and downloads. Prohibit copyrights on these new lyrics.

Prohibit secondary and post-secondary schools from requiring students to take more than one social studies or social science class, except for students majoring in or planning to major in the humanities and or social sciences.

Prohibit open book testing at publicly funded secondary and post-secondary schools.

Prohibit publicly funded school courses from giving more than five percent A grades, ten percent A- grades, 15 percent B+ grades, 15 percent B grades, and 15 percent B- minus grades.

JT Fournier, last updated February 19, 2025