Bellagio Study Group: Spend 2.5 billion dollars yearly for prevention and treatment of malaria worldwide, four billion dollars yearly for treatment of other childhood illnesses. Per Bjorn Lomborg: Spend $60 million each year to provide micronutrients to 140 million undernourished children. Per the Stop TB Partnership: Provide DOTS tuberculosis treatment to almost all TB victims. Provide hepatitis B vaccinations to high risk individuals. Increase research for dengue fever prevention and treatment.
Ethically fund, oversee, regulate, and enforce a global plan to end tuberculosis by 2030.
Create a $4.1 billion fund to conduct bio-prospecting research and development medically beneficial substances in poor country biological hot-spots, provided any beneficial substances discovered during the prospecting enters the public domain.
Create coordinated import controls of imported oil, so prices do not skyrocket when glitches occur.
William Greider: Eliminate parts of trade agreements with anything similar to NAFTA's Chapter 11.
Require Peace Corps employees to have beneficial, relevant ethical, scientific, and or technical expertise.
Break off trade relations with nations requiring death, imprisonment or corporal punishment for sexual preference status.
Ban any foreign and or multinational entity from suing any US entity for libel and or slander in any US court. Ban any US entity from upholding any foreign libel, slander and or speech crimes against US entities.
JT Fournier, last updated March 4, 2025
Create a $4.1 billion fund to conduct bio-prospecting research and development medically beneficial substances in poor country biological hot-spots, provided any beneficial substances discovered during the prospecting enters the public domain.
Create coordinated import controls of imported oil, so prices do not skyrocket when glitches occur.
Prohibit US government foreign aid, except aid for family planning, illness prevention, medical treatments, and defense from aggression, likewise for private entities receiving US government contracts and or tax entitlements. Require all such aid to be in goods and or services, not money. Require delivery of aid to relevant impoverished individuals, not gangs, oligarchs, government officials, and other likely free riders, except military goods and services delivered to non-corrupt officials.
Ban all US state, local, and or federal government sponsored or insured loans to foreign and or multinational entities. Prohibit US government entities from insuring and or bailing out entities holding bad loans from foreign and or multinational entities.
Prohibit US partnerships, US corporations, US insured entities, and multinational entities employing US citizens from making loans to foreign governments.
Prohibit imports from entities failing to meet at least the minimum ILO health and safety standards. Prohibit imports from entities failing to pay purchasing power parity adjusted minimum wages greater than half the US Federal minimum wage.
Treat required military service for entities engaging in aggression, oligarchism, legalized bribery, plutocratic mass media domination, and criminal punishment of non-wealthy individual political speech as forced labor. Prohibit trade with such entities and other entities using forced labor.
William Greider: Eliminate parts of trade agreements with anything similar to NAFTA's Chapter 11.
Require Peace Corps employees to have beneficial, relevant ethical, scientific, and or technical expertise.
Break off trade relations with nations requiring death, imprisonment or corporal punishment for sexual preference status.
Ban any foreign and or multinational entity from suing any US entity for libel and or slander in any US court. Ban any US entity from upholding any foreign libel, slander and or speech crimes against US entities.
Implement the Copenhagen Consensus 2012 prescriptions.
Replace many import bans from highly unethical global and foreign entities with large negative externality taxes on imports from those entities. Require US allies to do likewise, enacting Pigouvian import taxes on nations refusing to enact the negative externality taxes.
Require strict oversight of all foreign aid.
Prohibit government employees from having romantic and sexual activities with non-US citizens.
Donate and administer 16 million malaria vaccinations per year.
Withdraw US funding for and membership in the club for oligarchal dictatorships, also known as the United Nations, including voluntary contributions, except activities with sufficiently high expected values, including anti-dysgenic policies and positive eugenic policies. Sell the UN building to private entities.
Ban donations of taxpayer money to foreign and international NGOs engaged in political activism.
Defund USAID political programs.
Increase funding for beneficial randomized, active controlled studies, using researchers with excellent knowledge, track records, and willingness to examine all relevant factors. Require publication of all such studies, to reduce publication bias. Increase funding for replication research of such studies.
Create a federally funded internet tube channel or site teaching antitrust, helpful technologies, ethical reasoning, anti-corruption tactics, positive practices to spread beneficial genes, health practices, dysgenics prevention, methods of democracy, and other beneficial subjects, having selectable subtitles in dozens of common languages, correctly defining eugenics as increasing the percentages of genes producing beneficial long-term ethical consequences, defining dysgenics as increasing the percentages of genes producing harmful long-term ethical consequences.
Conduct a randomized, active controlled study of copper alloy plated silverware to prevent dysentery and food poisoning. Do likewise for copper alloy plated plates. And again for copper alloy interior plated drinking water receptacles. Do a study of eating utensils heated to at least 165° Fahrenheit prior to eating. Do efficacy studies of differing methods of hand washing.
Ban the export of tobacco products. Ban the foreign sale of liquor and tobacco products using brand names originating in the US.
Prohibit current or former US corporations, nonprofits, millionaires, billionaires, and trillionaires from giving financial and or material assistance to primarily political foreign and or multinational entities.
Increase research on push-pull pest mitigation plants and practices.
Ban waste disposal of non-rag, non-hazardous, non-undergarment serviceable clothing. Require used, serviceable clothing, including footwear, to be sold or given to other entities, including international charities.
Increase incentives in the Priority Review Voucher program to increase development of cultural and medical interventions having high expected values but low profitability.
Pass the Desert Locust Control Act.
Prohibit US enforcement of non-compete, non-disclosure, and or non-solicitation agreements with private entities that operate in non-democratic countries and or in countries that block self-determination of non-aggressive groups.
Prohibit secret investor-state dispute settlements. Require Congressional approval of dispute settlement arbitrators. Prohibit lawsuits seeking payments for profit losses caused by fiscal and or monetary policies.
Withdraw from parts of treaties containing unethical claims.
Prohibit companies from countries opposing democracy, self-determination, and or basic workers' rights of non-aggressive entities from participating in US financial securities exchanges, along with banning companies from countries waging wars of aggression.
Prohibit exemptions to US labor, safety, and environmental regulations in so-called free trade zones.
Prohibit foreign and multinational donations to and purchases from nonprofit entities operating in the United States, except nonprofit entities devoted to providing food, housing, and healthcare to low income individuals.
Pass the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act.
Ban US entities from constructing buildings in other countries having fewer than 8.5 equivalent air changes per hour, except emergency, ad hoc military buildings.
Sign an international agreement reducing corporate taxes in exchange for creating government non-voting, non-managing shares in corporations, thus reducing incentives for tax evasion and tax avoidance strategies.
Eliminate almost all tax avoidance de minimis loopholes on imported goods. Reduce the duty-free threshold on goods carried by international travelers from $800 to below $50. Prohibit tax exemptions on tobacco and drinking ethanol products.
Create an alternative to the World Trade Organization. Exclude China, Russia, Belarus, North Korea, and Sharia countries from membership. Exclude countries refusing repatriates. Withdraw from the World Trade Organization.
Prohibit tariffs on majority US owned business manufactured goods manufactured within 950 miles of the contiguous US states.
Prohibit US government entities from funding social science research outside the United States, except research directly relevant to foreign policies and or international economics, including military policies.
Prohibit US government funded entities from paying ransoms and extortion fees.
Recruit as many nations as able to sign an international treaty gradually phasing in progressive Pigouvian tax shifts, having automatic fines and or trade sanctions on countries violating the treaty.
Prohibit US government entity terrorism, insurgency, counterterrorism, and or counterinsurgency military and financial assistance to foreign entities, except for allies and enemies during wars declared by Congress.
Repeal the McCarran-Walter Act. Repeal the Hart-Celler Act. Repeal the Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986.
Prohibit Federal foreign policy entities from practicing government paid domestic propaganda, including all government funded foreign policy advertising.
To reduce free riding incentives and other harms, make the national median annual household income the maximum annual salary at USAID.
Withdraw from long-term ethical harm causing international agreements.
Ban US government assistance to foreign schools and or to US students attending foreign schools, except to US citizen students attending foreign US government accredited human medical field or veterinary field schools, costing less than a quarter of similar US schools.
JT Fournier, last updated March 4, 2025
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