Showing posts with label pigouvian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pigouvian. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Energy Policy Recommendations

Provide federal funding to build at least 58,000 US roundabouts at sufficiently beneficial locations. Limit mean costs to no more than $305,000 per roundabout.

Eliminate fuel economy rules (CAFE) for vehicles. 

Ban the carbon offsets, cash-for-clunkers, and cap-and-trade financial industry scams.

Create a nine cents per pound federal sales tax on motor vehicle fuels derived from fossil fuels. Increase the tax with the CPI plus one cent per pound each month for 22 years, then continue to increase with the CPI. Break off trade relations with any non-OPEC nation that does not enact similar or larger Pigouvian taxes on motor vehicle fossil fuels. Create a $21 per ton of carbon emissions negative externality tax on fossil fuel generated electricity from utilities. Increase the tax with the CPI plus three dollars each year for the next 26 years, then continue to increase with the CPI. Offset the regressive effect of this and other Pigouvian taxes by gradually eliminating the 15.3 percent payroll taxes on productive work, using taxes on negative externalities for Social Security and healthcare.

Slap escalating with prices taxes on imported fossil fuels costing greater than 31 percent more than the costs of production and transportation. Encourage other nations to do likewise, adding additional negative externality taxes on imports from nations that refuse.

Require non-nuclear ships and boats above 800 metric tons, docked in US ports, to go cold iron, except when facing onshore electricity outages, sailing within 2.5 hours, and or testing engineering machinery.

Create electronic vouchers to energy inspect and weatherize utility using United States buildings not already inspected and or weatherized. 

Mail, with instructions, to every United States household: an Ambient Orb, Kill-A-Watt, electric mattress pad, mini power minder, and window bubble wrap for Christmas.

Ban NIMBY lawsuits and HOA regulations restricting the use of energy conservation practices and non-fossil fuel sources of energy, along with state and local government regulations doing the same.

Create a GPS air traffic control system.

Eliminate the fraud riddled Energy Star program. Ban Energy Star labeling on products. 

Repeal the Jones Act, requiring US built ships for domestic shipping. Eliminate the harbor maintenance tax on domestic shipping.

Approve the construction and use of well-designed, well-regulated fast breeder reactors and nuclear energy facilities.

Legalize the licensed adults only use of licensed four wheel vehicles not passing federal passenger safety standards on roads and private properties having speed limits under 26 miles per hour.

Repeal the 25 percent tariff on imported light trucks.

Require government buildings to avoid using air conditioning to cool spaces below 71 degrees and to avoid heating spaces above 68 degrees, except when sufficiently beneficial for scientific or medical or military or shelf life storage reasons.

Eliminate tariffs on non-fossil fuel energy equipment, including rechargeable batteries and other energy storage equipment.

Require new electric vehicles to have standardized connections to charging stations. Require charging stations to charge competitors' electric vehicle models.

Provide federal funds to construct additional freeway ramps when the overall benefits outweigh harms.

Prohibit state, local, and judicial entities from blocking energy relevant projects and policies approved by Congressional and or executive branch entities.

Repeal the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Repeal the misnamed Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.

Require mineral and fossil fuel extraction entities to create and sufficiently fund negative externality escrow accounts to pay for remediation of harmful leaks and land pollution caused by their activities.

Ban the use of corn stover for utility electrical production.

Create mandatory minimum sentences of at least one day of hard labor for each $20 of harms caused by energy grid attacks, plus mandatory minimum lifetime hard labor sentences for energy grid attacks causing deaths, the same for attacks on energy grid equipment manufacturers and distributors, likewise for attacks on shipping, railroads, and trucking.

Enact these nuclear energy reforms.

Prohibit government entities from requiring vehicle purchases through dealerships and other middlemen.

Ban government entities from charging electric streetcar and cable car companies for street maintenance.

Prohibit government entities from blocking private construction of and or operation of energy projects having prior legal approval, except when new evidence beyond a reasonable doubt arises that such projects will cause at least three times as many harms as benefits.

Implement the Seams electrical grid policy conclusions.

Ban states from closing rest areas, except for short-term repairs. Auction empty land in large rest areas for gas stations and charging stations.

Pass the Atomic Energy Advancement Act.

Prohibit states from banning the sale, purchase, licensing, and registration of Federally approved hybrid and internal combustion engine vehicles obtaining at least 22 city and 28 highway miles per gallon. 

Prohibit states from banning the sale, purchase, licensing, and registration of Federally approved non-internal combustion engine vehicles.

Prohibit regulators from issuing command and control vehicle sales and purchase requirements by vehicle energy source type.

Prohibit tax expenditures for motor vehicle sales, rentals, and or purchases. 

Require proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the benefits of any government-funded charging station outweigh the costs before funding such construction.

Pass the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024. 

Amend the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to eliminate most of its provisions, except the toilet rules.

Move all federal motor vehicle manufacturing regulatory entities to the Department of Energy. Prohibit state motor vehicle manufacturing regulations.

Prohibit government entities from paying resource extracting entities to extract fewer resources.

Eliminate most government mandates requiring private energy conservation.

JT Fournier, last updated March 6, 2024