Reduce the number of commissioners on the Federal Elections Commission to one, requiring commissioner election by nationwide vote every four years. Prohibit former paid lobbyists and paid members of political parties from serving on the Federal Elections Commission.
Require each US corporation to incorporate in the state or territory having a plurality or majority of their workers.
Require all corporations operating within the United States to disclose the full legal names of their beneficial owners and at least one state or federal accurate identification number of those owners, updating changes of ownership within 90 days, listing other legal entities that have legal control over the corporations, requiring fees to cover the costs of handling this information. Create a publicly available database of such information.
Prohibit any anonymously owned entity from engaging in financial transactions to, from, and within the United States.
Require producers of expiring patent drugs to provide samples of such drugs to generics manufacturers.
Prohibit from public office: individuals having non-bank account investments in foreign or multinational entities or entities selling goods or services to foreign entities.
Ban any US entity from serving as an honorary counsel or any other diplomatic position of any foreign entity.
Require owners of any corporation filing for bankruptcy to pay any unpaid non-executive wages out of their pockets in proportion to their ownership, including any sums for wage theft.
Require printing of voltages on for public purchase electrical adapters and inverters.
Prohibit foreign and multinational entities from paid advertising of financial instruments within the United States.
Prohibit criminal sentences and or plea deals permitting defendants to avoid punishments by making donations to nonprofits or business entities.
Hire government lawyers and regulators for life, except government lawyers and regulators fired for ethical, criminal, and or performance misbehaviors. Prohibit current and former government lawyers and regulators from receiving gifts and or remuneration from non-government entities, except their less than $19 per hour pay from their US restaurant employers. Permit government lawyers and regulators to move among government jobs.
Prohibit individuals from government entities and contractors from holding positions in investigations of those same entities and contractors, except as consultants, witnesses, and whistleblowers.
Require all government entities to cooperate with relevant government investigative entities' investigations.
Make labor laws for teenagers match those for working age adults.
Prohibit corporate entities not strictly audited by strictly regulated auditors from being listed in stock listings.
Ban state, local, and Federal elected officials, having annual government salaries greater than the annual national median household income from personally soliciting campaign contributions, requiring campaign solicitations to be done by other individuals.
Ban United States government entities from enforcing foreign intellectual property claims based on foreign governments having longer intellectual property time durations than the United States.
Require all hired government job categories to have civil service exams and scores that will be accepted as equivalent to post-primary formal education credentials.
Charge current and former United States citizens and corporations a 2.5 percent annual, marginal assets tax on their net foreign assets exceeding $200,000 in value.
Charge current and former United States citizens and corporations a 2.5 percent annual, marginal tax on their foreign rentals exceeding $29,000 in value.
Create a 100 percent negative externalities tax on spectator sports tickets costing more than the median hourly wage.
Prohibit elected officials and political appointees from appearing in government funded advertising.
Require the closing of baccalaureate granting schools having at least 25 percent of their classes that will not transfer to at least 70 percent of public colleges and universities.
Prohibit fired law enforcement employees from future employment in law enforcement, except employees fired for political reasons such as losing elections, making political claims or being replaced by other political appointees. Keep a national database of such fired law enforcement employees. Prohibit law enforcement employers from hiring anyone on that database.
Require public libraries to hire based on apprenticeships, apprenticeship performance, civil service exams, prior job performance, and relevant experience, not post-secondary degrees.
Requires seminars for judges to be paid for by government entities and or by judges themselves.
Prohibit any over-the-counter product from being labeled detox or cleansing.
Prohibit get rich paid advertising. Charge violators with fraud, having a mandatory minimum sentence of 180 days prison and minimum fines greater than the amount paid for the advertising.
Ban the sale and or importation of harmful headlight HID and or LED conversion kits.
Ban the sale and purchase of so-called cryptocurrencies by US citizens. Ban cryptocurrency entities, their creators, their employees, and their former employees from being employed and or contracted by government entities. Ban US advertising for any cryptocurrencies anywhere. Ban political donations by sellers and possessors of cryptocurrencies. Implement a 79 percent alternative minimum federal income tax on violators of cryptocurrency bans.
Prohibit individuals convicted of financial crimes from income earning positions in non-profit industries.
Prohibit elected officials and political appointees from requesting payments to non-governmental entities owned and or managed by themselves, their first degree relatives or second degree relatives.
Create a felony conviction three-year mandatory minimum sentence for individuals having net worths greater than 10.5 million dollars at any moment in their lives or annual incomes greater than 1.6 million dollars.
Increase punishments for politically motivated road blockages, including felony unlawful detainment.
Prohibit former corporate executives from being employed by labor unions. Prohibit receivers of corporate or billionaire political donations from being employed by labor unions.
Replace the phrase irreparable harm in laws, executive orders, and government guidelines with the phrase with the word harm.
Require for-profit entities acquiring or merging with other entities to honor the pension obligations of each entity, clawing personal assets from executives when they break pension duties.
Prohibit elected officials from politically appointing their first, second, and third degree relatives.
Prohibit employers from requiring employees or potential employees to pay for any fingerprints, drug testing, background checks, medical treatments, and medical examinations requested by the employer.
Ban government loans, grants, bailouts, and or tax entitlements to corporations, except for well-reasoned trade deficit and or national security improving purposes to corporations having at least 94 percent of their employees and their contractors' employees living and working in the United States.
Prohibit employment and or education related lawsuits against entities for practicing relevant, mostly accurate standards.
Provide Federal matching funds for state and local government construction, maintenance, and operation of jails and prisons.
Prohibit private entities from funding travel and or training for government regulators.
Prohibit individuals having upper body and lower body strengths below the 50th percentile for working age males from being hired as firefighters.
Prohibit labor union leaders from having gross annual remuneration more than twice the lowest paid full-time, full year members in their unions.
Require employers to pay $0.58 per mile mileage to in person job interview candidates traveling more than 15 miles for an interview, measured from the address listed on a resume or application to the place of interview.
Eliminate time limits on taking back executive pay for misconduct.
Replace the "as low as reasonably achievable" from laws and other government norms with benefit-harm reasoning.
Prohibit paid advertising by or for nutritionists.
In industries having Herfindahl indexes greater than 0.17, require a $16 per hour minimum wage for employees and 1099 recipients, along with an $800 per week minimum wage for their salaried employees and contractors, except for industry relevant employees and contractors at businesses having less than 1.4 percent of relevant market shares and or book values under 4.2 million dollars. Require purchasing power parity equivalent minimum wages for their non-United States employees and contractors.
Prohibit private entities from giving awards to government employees, government retirees, former elected officials, and former political appointees.
Prohibit US non-profit entities from participating in international sporting events.
Prohibit lobbyists, billionaires, foreign diplomats on US soil, and their first degree relatives from owning, renting, and or using blast shelters and or fallout shelters.
Ban government regulators from owning stocks and other financial instruments in entities they regulate.
Assign at least one new inspector general for each new fiscal outlay exceeding $200 million.
Ban private donor advised funds.
Create a 51 year time limit on private foundations, sending remaining assets to the US Treasury Department.
Prohibit advertising any product containing more than 14 percent of its calories from sugars and or refined carbs as healthy and or as a weight loss aid.
Ban from government employment any lawyer with previous experience defending defendants of alleged financial crimes and or antitrust lawsuits.
Ban former and current financial industry executives from being employed by either the new central bank or Treasury Department.
Ban government entities from providing insurance, except insurance on crops, savings accounts, and checking accounts.
Strike the phrase undue hardship from laws. Replace with the phrase more harms than benefits.
Require businesses to honor their currently posted prices or provide a rain check or equally priced substitute of greater value to the purchaser.
Eliminate the Conservation Reserve Program.
Prohibit corporate and non-profit organizations that previously received government loans, grants, and or tax entitlements from suing US state, local, and Federal government organizations.
Ban domestic websites from hosting indoor porn taken with non-consensual spy cameras, requiring websites to have adequate policies to remove such porn.
Ban the issuance of passports to registered sex offenders. Revoke existing passports of registered sex offenders.
Ban the importation of products made by companies having any worker earning less than $6.50 per hour on a purchasing power parity basis, banning such companies from having operations in the United States.
Lower the ages children can be charged with crimes.
Ban any company with any worker in forced labor or debt peonage to the company, company owners or managers from importing to the United States and operating in the United States.
Create celebrity civil liability for celebrities paid to endorse fraudulent services and or products.
Require crookedly arrived at windfall profits and market capitalizations to be spent on ethical, productivity increasing activities. If not, tax those windfall profits at high marginal rates.
Prohibit race, crony, gender, religion, veteran, nepotism, ethnicity, disability, and sexual orientation status preferences in government contracting.
Limit the maximum annual non-physician remuneration at companies filing for bankruptcy, emerging from bankruptcy, and or acquiring a company that previously filed for bankruptcy to three times the median household income forever.
Ban the importation of food produced by tenant farmers required to give more than 15 percent of their output to landowners.
Pass HR 928, prohibiting the firing of inspectors general, except for good cause.
Improve oversight per the GAO. Implement GAO recommendations to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Prohibit elected officials and political appointees from knowingly hiring first, second, and third-degree relatives, including such in-laws, for government jobs.
Require sports organizations to suspend without remuneration participants injuring others by violating safety related rules for at least twice as long as the injured others remain unable to play.
Provide federally funded occupational licensing exams and self-study courses for all areas of occupational licensing, along with standards permitting licenses. Require states and local governments to grant licenses to individuals passing Federal occupational license exams and character standards.
Ban government funding to medical providers refusing to perform beneficial and or harm reducing medical acts for religious reasons.
Ban currently serving judges and legislators from traveling outside the United States.
Ban anyone with a non-overturned felony conviction from receiving any scholarship from any public post-secondary institution.
Ban remittances and mailings to any land refusing to take back illegal migrants.
Provide federal grants to increase the pay of prosecutors and public defendants.
When a preponderance of evidence suggests researchers engaged in fraud and or other deliberate fallacy promoting scientific research misconduct, ban those researchers from receiving publicly funded grants for the remainders of their lives. Ban them from receiving any future remuneration from publicly funded entities. Enact similar bans on their accomplices. Create a felony statute for medical researchers proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have engaged in medical research fraud, having penalties up to lifetime hard labor. Require retraction of all scientific research produced by such individuals.
Ban giving non-disabled military retirees preferences in civil service hiring.
Require ingredient lists on prepackaged, corporation produced foods to list sweeteners, nitrites, nitrates, celery seed, capsiceae, vinegar, chocolate, citric acid, and garlic in bolded fonts. Prohibit other ingredients from being bolded. Ban foods containing these ingredients from being labeled mild.
Require everyone appointed by elected officials and political appointees to be US born US citizens.
Charge unvaccinated hospital patients 40 percent of their hospitalization costs for their hospitalizations caused by relevant pathogens for which affordable, medically effective vaccines were readily available to them.
Require dating apps to charge users $15 per day.
Ban NFTs.
Require surgical sterilization of pets with remaining life expectancies of greater than three years, receiving vet treatment for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, patellar laxation, brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome, degenerative myelopathy, liver shunts, lymphoma-lymphosarcoma, renal dysplasia, Addison's disease, hemangiosarcoma, mast cell tumors, osteosarcoma, non-struvite bladder stones, and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, if not already sterile.
Ban corporations having market capitalizations above $1.5 million from changing their names.
Draft into the infantry above $560,000 gross income per year individuals from law, finance, lobbying, university, mass media, think tank, and defense contractor entities when United States military monthly combat casualties exceed 200.
Require licenses for all repair and construction businesses.
Require licenses for plumbers, mechanics, and electricians, except helpers directly supervised by relevant licensed individuals.
Require the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and all six members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to be approved by House majorities.
Prohibit teenagers from driving motor vehicles with passengers between 10:00 pm and 5:00 am, except with spouses, parents, guardians, grandparents, work relevant carpoolers, and or seriously injured emergency treatment seeking individuals.
Prohibit government entities from new rentals or purchases of artistic works costing government entities more than $150.
Eliminate the FTC Bureau of Economics.
Prohibit so-called right to work laws from applying to corporations having any US workers earning less than 60 percent of the national mean hourly wage.
Legalize private sector wildcat strikes.
Repeal Section 8(b)(7)(A) of the Labor Act, the part restricting recognitional picketing.
Extend the AIR21 whistleblower filing deadline to 365 days. Prohibit companies and government groups from using delaying tactics to run out the clock on whistleblower filings.
Require all government employees to fully cooperate with relevant ethics and criminal investigations.
Strengthen anti-kickback laws. Make private sector anti-kickback laws as strict as anti-kickback laws involving government purchases.
Prohibit antitrust convicted businesses from making political donations and from owning political media, no matter their name changes and other changes.
Strive to massively reduce the power and profits of parasitic middlemen.
Prohibit 911 mind reading call analysis by law enforcement entities.
Arrest individuals found driving without valid US auto insurance and or valid US drivers' licenses, except individuals having expired in the past 60 days US drivers' licenses.
Fire government employees manufacturing false flag crimes, except against declared foreign enemies during wars declared by Congress.
Prohibit middleman entities and corporations having book values greater than $120 million from giving and receiving rebates.
Require engineers and applied scientists employed in those fields for at least 15 years to be at least one-third of manufacturing company corporate board members.
Require all foreign and multinational entities operating in the United States to register as foreign agents, having registration fees cover all costs of such administration. Prohibit foreign, multinational, and foreign agent gifts, investments, and or remunerations exceeding $16 to political website entities having more than 90,000 unique US visitors per month. Prohibit foreign entities, multinational entities, and foreign agents from giving political gifts, investments, and remuneration exceeding $16 to US political entities.
Require licensing of service animals. Prohibit licensing service animals for anxiety, psychotic, and or depressive illnesses. Prohibit licensing service animals for ADHD and or borderline personality disorder. Prohibit licensing service animals for dark tetrad character traits.
Prohibit foreign and or multinational entities from owning and or leasing cable companies, radio stations, radio networks, television stations, television networks, and or any portion of the US electromagnetic spectrum.
Prohibit businesses fined more than 5.5 million dollars for financial or environmental crimes from making political donations and from owning political media, no matter what name changes and other changes they undergo.
Pass the Enhancing Geothermal Production on Federal Lands Act.
Prohibit government entities from hiring consulting firms for non-technology and or non-natural science issues.
Eliminate government funding for NPR.
Prohibit remittances and foreign aid to lands sending migration to the United States, along with countries permitting migration through them to the United States.
Prohibit the importation of products labeled organic.
Require the five highest paid individuals in each Federal agency to publish the names of non-agency individuals they meet with on behalf of governance related activities.
Require buyer's cartel government purchases. Require government purchasers to choose the cheaper of identical items, except to meet domestic manufacturing content requirements.
Require government purchasers to choose the better quality of similarly priced items used for the same purpose.
Require domestic government contracting to choose well-reasoned mixes of cost and quality, along with lack of legal and illegal bribery, giving weight to contractors past performances when evaluating quality. Require non-domestic government contracting to resemble the above, plus consider results on wages, trade, security, and the environment.
Repeal existing authorizations for use of military force.
Ban lawsuits by and on behalf of migrants.
Ban US entities and multinational entities operating in the United States from giving gifts exceeding $16 to foreign elected officials and political appointees.
Ban individuals convicted of work-related business felonies and any antitrust crimes from working in the same industries.
Ban government workers convicted of work-related felonies from working for government.
Ban states and local governments from providing transportation incentives for homeless citizens to relocate to other states or municipalities.
Require hostels, homeless shelters, and other entities having barracks style sleeping arrangements to deny indoor sleeping arrangements to individuals self-reporting fevers, having measured fevers or displaying other blatant signs of air spread pathogenic infections.
Require phone calls be cryptographically signed to prevent spoofing.
Repeal Trump's tax shifts.
Ban the importation of goods containing polyfluoroalkyl or perfluoroalkyl
substances that contradict the domestic PFOA Stewarship Program.
Require public road motor vehicles to pay an annual federal marginal weight
registration tax of $0.90 for each pound over 8,800, including the weight of the
largest trailer owned or rented by owners of tractor trailers.
Require all Federal elected officials and political appointees to make publicly available their tax returns, if any, for the previous four years and for 25 years after leaving office.
Require federal election and political appointee candidates from political parties having at least one current member in Congress to make publicly available their tax returns, if any, for the previous four years.
Pass S.795 giving whistleblower rights to contractors, subcontractors and grantees.
Ban early retirement payouts to government employees deserving firing.
Require landlords to release tenants from leases without negative repercussions when tenants have paid through the current month, have lost their jobs, and their new jobs are at least 13 miles away.
Require inaugurations to be entirely government funded, spending no more than 1.2 million dollars on presidential inaugurations.
Pass a Federal law giving states and local governments the right to pass and enforce immigration criminal penalties exceeding those of the Federal government.
During a lethal epidemic or pandemic, ban out of country United States citizens in areas with worse outbreaks than the United States from returning to the United States until either both worldwide and domestic R naughts are below one or 21 days after the such citizens have had a full vaccination course with a relevant, federally approved vaccine.
Ban individuals illegally in the United States from government funded legal counsel.
Prohibit labor unions from suing, striking, and or negotiating to prevent automation.
Ban males from competing as females in publicly funded organized sports.
Make 50 years hard labor the mandatory minimum sentence for human trafficking.
Make cocaine a schedule one drug. Remove marijuana from schedule one.
Require government contractors to comply with reasonable non-intellectual property Freedom of Information Act requests.
Prohibit non-residential zoning ordinances affecting commercial shipping containers within 40 miles of ports.
Repeal the Foreign Dredge Act of 1906.
Create a 4.4 year limit on software intellectual property rights held by corporations having market caps greater than 4.8 billion dollars.
Require government purchasing entities to act as buyer cartels or monopsonies.
Require general election ballots to list political candidates from political parties below candidates not belonging to political parties and in reverse order of votes their political parties received in the last election.
Prohibit non-SSI government pensions to former Federal elected officials and political appointees convicted of felonies.
Ban royals from entering the United States, including popes.
Prohibit government guardians from spending client money on frivolous, expensive items to keep client assets below cliff loss levels. Return disability funds above cliff loss levels to the government without unenrolling disabled individuals having government guardians.
Prohibit any current or former corporate executive, having current or former Federal elected office or Federal political appointment, from receiving more than the median annual household income per year from corporations for the remainder of their life.
Prohibit automatic cost of living adjustments in government salaries.
Prohibit foreign and multinational social media entities, operating in the United States, from censoring the political speech of users. Ban violators from operating in the US.
Prohibit plea bargaining with citizens lacking legal counsel, except when those individuals have dismissed hired or appointed legal counsel.
Ban individuals under age 18 from driving or riding ATVs. Ban the sale of ATVs to individuals under age 18.
Ban government employers from requiring masters or PhDs for jobs paying less than $18 per hour.
Prohibit businesses owning so-called cryptocurrencies from operating within the United States and from exporting products into the United States. Ban government entities from making or receiving payments in crypto. Prohibit known crypto businesses from having savings and checking accounts with federally insured banks and credit unions. Prohibit tax expenditures for cryptocurrency entities. Prohibit bailouts of cryptocurrency entities.
Prohibit individuals lacking a valid United States visa or passport from boarding aircraft bound for the United States. Prohibit incoming passenger aircraft from countries repeatedly sending passengers without valid visas or passports.
Prohibit individuals born with male gonads from incarceration in female prisons.
Require majority Congressional approval to extend beyond 20 days any national emergency declared by the president.
Prohibit corporations having book values greater than one million times the median annual household income from owning or renting or otherwise controlling intellectual property rights.
Create an agency to identify monopoly and oligopoly produced imports. Slap a 39 percent tariff on those items when US sales of those items exceed $15 million per year, continuing the tariff until sales drop below $15 million per year or the monopolies and oligopolies no longer exist.
Prohibit corporations, except mortgage granting entities, from owning individual site built houses.
Prohibit corporations, except farm loan granting entities, from owning more than 2.5 acres of land being farmed, except when a majority owner of the corporation and farmland works at least 20 hours per week during summer months at farming.
Prohibit corporations from having exclusive purchase contracts with farmers.
these railroad reforms.
Ban top five percent in wealth US citizens from renouncing their US citizenships and or acquiring foreign citizenships or foreign legal residencies. Prohibit them from living outside the United States for more than one month per year.
Require corporate phone service providers to provide immediate location data to local and state emergency responders during emergencies.
Prohibit publicly owned entities from giving salary contracts lasting longer than one calendar year.
Prohibit publicly funded organ transplants to incarcerated felons.
Prohibit organ transplants to non-citizens.
Prohibit foods having more than 15 percent of their calories from sugars or processed meats from having healthy food labels.
Prohibit anyone receiving more than $45,000 in foreign entity income, in any prior year, from federal elected office.
Prohibit anyone having first degree relatives receiving more than $45,000 in foreign entity income, in any prior year, from federal elected office.
Punish NATO ruling classes permitting inward migration for promoting totalitarianism and violating the NATO charter.
Prohibit federal staffers, appointees, and elected officials from receiving gifts or non-governmental remuneration exceeding $16, except below the inflation rate interest on savings and checking accounts.
Ban non-governmental employers from requiring individuals paid less than twice the median annual household income per year to sign non-compete agreements, except for congressionally approved national security work or for apprentice employees receiving at least 600 hours of employer paid training.
Prohibit all government entity slush funds.
Require inspectors general to be appointed by majority vote of existing inspectors general, along with majority house approval.
Fill temporary political appointment vacancies with the next highest ranking person in that government entity until legal approval of permanent replacement.
Ban, based on the ethnoracial status of loan applicants, government entities and publicly traded corporations from giving higher risk loans than they would otherwise give.
Require congresspersons and their staffs to remain in the Capitol building around the clock during periods of government shutdown.
Ban individuals under age 18 from the 25 occupations having the highest rates of fatal and permanently disabling injuries, including at family owned businesses. Ban individuals under age 18 from being cashiers at unlocked door businesses having fewer than three employees on duty.
Redistribute Congressional salaries to homeless shelters during periods when Congress fails to pass budgets.
Require all corporate, nonprofit, and government entities to reveal donor names for donations greater than $2,000.
Require all government background check systems to notify ICE when anyone illegally in the United States applies for a government background check.
Ban anyone belonging to a foreign terrorism organization from entering or re-entering the United states.
Ban medical corporations from advertising in medical journals.
Ban anyone earning more than eight times the median annual household income in any year from federal political appointments.