Showing posts with label navy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label navy. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Defense Recommendations

Require all biocontainment labs working with vertebrate infecting pathogens to abide by the same laws, maintaining at least BSL-3 standards. Track all biocontainment labs. Monitor biocontainment labs for individuals with religious, financial, and interpersonal problems. Ban anyone having a felony arrest, mental illness or financial problems from working in a biocontainment lab. Implement incentives on any nation that does not have biocontainment laws and enforcement at least as strict as the US.

Make anyone developing or assisting in the creation, trade or use of banned bioweapons subject to war crimes charges and execution if convicted. Prohibit the use of genetic engineering equipment on vertebrate infecting pathogens, creating a 99 year mandatory minimum sentence of 120 hours per week hard labor for convictions.

Close all biocontainment labs failing to prove to near certainty that they have positive health and ethical expected values. That means closing most existing biocontainment labs.

Require declassification of information relevant to epidemics and pandemics.

Ban fur and waterfowl farming. Ban waterfowl as pets. Ban roadside zoos. Ban feeding wild and feral birds. Increase incentives to hunt or otherwise cull animals likely to spread pathogens sufficiently harmful to humans.

Place bar gates over known bat caves to keep bat cave tourists out.

Prohibit the worldwide private sale and ownership of live mink, ferrets, waterfowl. Ban the worldwide sale and importation of mink, ferret, and waterfowl products.

Increase federal anti-pathogen research, development, supply stockpiles, and response plan spending by at least the inflation rate plus five percent every year for the next nine years, more during pathogen emergencies.

Implement pro-hunting policies to keep the nationwide deer population below six million. Require farmers with excessive numbers of deer feeding on their lands to cull deer or permit hunters to do so.

Disallow anyone devoted to misanthropism, religious rule over other religions and or racial rule over other racial groups from working in WMD related occupations.

Require BSL-3 and above lab workers to remain within lab areas, except for four month annual paid vacations after a 15-day strip search exit quarantine. Keep all non-workers from lab areas. Drop supplies at uninhabited, open air, disinfected drop stations.

Fire every virologist and related field employee, who supports research with a greater than 0.00001 percent chance of increasing harmful organism infectivities, R naughts, and or case fatality rates to humans and food organisms, prohibiting them from future employment in medical and biological fields.

Create a secret agency to spread false information in hundreds of languages on how to genetically engineer potential super pathogens, especially information on the airborne transmission of super pathogens.

Break off trade relations with nations that refuse to eliminate research with a greater than 0.00001 percent probability of increasing harmful organism infectivities, R naughts or case fatality rates to humans and food organisms.

Prohibit Federal funding for biocontainment labs outside the United States.

Require a buddy system in biodefense labs, banning anyone from accessing dangerous agents without a qualified co-worker.

Ban exports of gene-sequencing equipment. Ban the private purchase of gene-sequencing equipment. Enact trade sanctions on nations that export gene-sequencing equipment or sell the equipment to private entities.

Require public door knobs, door handles, door plates, and handrails to have copper or copper alloy plating containing sufficient copper to kill at least 88 percent of harmful pathogens within 4.5 hours.

Give 44 months warning to any nation permitting the use of animals in folk remedies that the United States will break off trade relations if those practices are not banned and the bans enforced, then follow through. Do likewise for nations with wet markets.

Stockpile at least 900 million PPE items, rotating stock, so items do not go bad, especially N95 or better masks. Donate excess PPE items to citizens. Require the federal government to purchase at least 40 million reusable N95 or better masks per month from domestic manufacturers, including instructions for reuse. Require at least 99 percent of antibiotics and antiviral compounds used in the United States to be produced within the United States, except during pandemics and epidemics. Require 98 percent of saline bag and medical mask production to be within the United States, except during epidemics and pandemics. Mail antiviral masks to every household during pandemics, including instructions for use and reuse. 

Void intellectual property rights during periods when US declared wars exist or defense spending exceeds 6.1 percent of GDP or annual US combat casualties exceed 2,200.

During emergency epidemics or pandemics, eliminate the 14-day camping limit on state and federal lands.

Provide 245 million dollars per year to monitor pathogen levels in sewage and other locations where monitoring will provide beneficial expected values.

Prohibit researchers skilled at increasing pathogen infectivities, R naughts or case fatality rates to humans and food organisms from exiting the United States. Require them to live in an isolated community, with no information or supplies leaving them.

Require companies producing oxygen, vaccines, saline bags, pathogen tests, air filtering equipment, pathogen treatments, air sterilizing equipment, and PPE for the United States to maintain adequate production facilities within the United States.

Ban the sale of rodents as pets and pet food.

Ban the sale and possession of birds and mammals humanized for pathogen spreading and evolving uses.

Prohibit the removal and genetic sequencing of pathogens from corpses older than 4.5 years old.

Require hospitals to maintain at least a eight month supply of pathogenic PPE equipment, whether on site or off site, whether reusable or for one time use, rotating stock to prevent loss from aging.

Provide an additional 8.3 billion dollars per year for vaccine development, including universal vaccines.

Create national databases of vaccinated individuals during vaccine shortages.

Require non-residential and multi-unit interconnected ventilation residential buildings, occupied at least 1.5 hours on mean per day, having at least four individuals per 28,000 cubic feet, to have at least 8.5 equivalent air changes (eACH) per hour by some combination of filters, ventilation, UV lighting and or other technologies, while preventing human skin and eyes from being harmed by the UV lighting.

Fire all corrupt or incompetent or both government employees without severance remuneration.

Provide 52 million dollars per year for genomic sequencing of pathogens in individuals with currently unexplainable pathogenic illnesses.

Prohibit animal owners and their associates from blocking pathogen testing in animals they own by government health, safety, agriculture,  and or law enforcement entities.

Provide a multibillion dollar trust fund that the president may withdraw from to fund challenge studies without Congressional approval when a potential pandemic occurs.

Ban government entities from advertising in political publications.

Require CDC, FDA, and other government entity decisions to be based on laws and or expected values, not inertia, careerism, ass covering, and fallacious deontological assertions.

Ban anyone with any lifetime arrests, lost lawsuits, criminal convictions, non-Nato nation romantic relationships or published irrelevant ad hominem attacks from majoring in virology, epidemiology or microbiology.

Ban anyone with more than 1/16th ancestry from China, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, North Korea, and or OIC countries from majoring in virology, epidemiology or microbiology.

Require a minimum of mandatory training program expulsion for military training students caught hazing, stealing, cheating or assaulting.

Prohibit funding for virology activities, except detecting pathogens, reporting pathogens, directly developing vaccines, producing vaccines, and distributing vaccines.

Prohibit government entities from classifying information about the sources of epidemic and pandemic pathogens.

Create a $1 per two tons of ship negative externalities tax on ships entering US ports from international ports.

Create a publicly available government database of harmful and beneficial human genes.

Turn part of Camp Pendleton into a walkable, densely populated civilian planned city, prohibiting motor vehicles, except city approved repair, emergency, construction, mass transit, and law enforcement vehicles, plus commercial vehicles transporting more than 45 pounds of delivery or removal items.

Ban sanitizer producers from making percentages of pathogens killed advertising claims.

Require all managers at US intelligence agencies to have been born in the US, plus have all US citizen parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents.

Ban limited liability protections for individuals funding and or engaged in gain of function research. Prohibit all gain of function research.

Require sterilization or pasteurization of retail duck eggs, chicken eggs, and dairy products.

Require avian flu vaccination of livestock, zoo animals, zoo workers, and livestock workers having a greater than 0.2 percent chance of contracting avian flu.

Ban unlicensed individuals from owning, handling or collecting bats, except to bury dead bats with tools at least three feet long.

Ban elk, pigs, bats, cows, mink, deer, goats, sheep, ferrets, rodents, poultry, waterfowl, cetaceans, and non-human primates at zoos, fairs, and other public exhibitions. Prohibit petting zoos. Ban the deliberate feeding of poultry litter to non-poultry animals.

Ban pathogen passaging in humanized non-humans.

Prohibit trade with countries refusing to ban gain of function research.

Restore the pandemic influenza and emerging threats program.

Ban re-creations of pathogens from past avian and mammalian epidemics and pandemics.

Ban the search for potential human infecting new viruses in wildlife.

Ban government spending on naturopathic medicine. 

Defund EcoHealth Alliance, and ban it from existing.

Ban any government researcher or anyone receiving government grants from receiving gifts or consulting fees from other entities, except first, second, and third degree relatives.

Grant public access to stored, non-classified electronic communications made by pathogen researchers and their managers currently or previously employed by biocontainment labs.

Prohibit government entities from funding parapsychology activities.

Prohibit any citizen losing more than $20,000 in foreign investments from financially supporting sanctions or military interventions against the lands where they lost money.

Ban graduates of the 120 highest tuition US post-secondary schools and 45 highest tuition US secondary schools from being employed by the federal government, except in military, engineering, natural science, and medical fields.

Ban the use of weapons from unmanned aircraft within the United States against humans.

Gradually cut Army, Marine, and State Department funding by at least 85 percent, except the INR, redistributing such funds for competent, economically efficient, and militarily efficient Air Force, Space Force, and nuclear forces uses, especially munitions and equipment development and procurement. Fund the Sentinel ICBM program. Develop and manufacture sufficient numbers of improved conventional counterforce weapons. Shift US nuclear forces toward more countervalue targeting. Transfer surplus Army and Marine equipment to ethical allies. Inform allies they must provide sufficient soldiers for their ground defenses.

Give military employees and government contractor employees whistleblower protections at least as great as those given to non-military federal employees and non-contractor employees.

Withdraw from the Rio Treaty, the US-Japan Security Treaty, the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, and the Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.

Prohibit US entities from knowingly transferring assets to the governments of Russia, Belarus, North Korea, and the People's Republic of China.

Within the next 16 months, liberate almost all US Army, Marine, Air Force, and surface ship personnel and equipment from Asia, Africa, Central America, South America, and the Western Pacific, except advisors, planners, observers, liaison personnel, limited embassy personnel, and tiny easily evacuated delaying action tripwires at well-reasoned locations, including South Korea, preventing tripwire forces from being slaughtered piecemeal. Include retreats to hidden, prepared mountain caches among the evacuation alternatives. Create false tripwires, meaning no declaration of war in response to aggression against one false tripwire, at Japan, Taiwan, Australia, the Philippines, and well-reasoned additional locations.

Liberate Army personnel below the rank of E-4 from Europe.

Pass The Security and Freedom Enhancement (SAFE) Act without alteration. Pass legislation similar to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Prohibit the Departments of Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security from disbursing any financial assets to private media entities, except during wars declared by Congress. Ban intelligence agencies not part of the above departments from doing similar disbursing. Require paywalled media entities to give free access to law enforcement entities conducting relevant criminal investigations.

Prohibit any individual with a greater than one in 800,000 probability of engaging in espionage, opposition to free speech or belonging to or physically supporting any terrorist group listed by the following organizations from entering the United States: The Department of State List of Terrorist Organizations, The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, The Terrorist Research Center from entering the United States or owning United States entities.

Prohibit active duty and retired officers above the 0-3 rank from receiving gifts and or remuneration from foreign and or multinational entities, except  governments the US has mutual defense treaties with.

Prohibit the installation of foreign software in new drones and motor vehicles operating within the United States.

Ban current and former military personnel from knowingly receiving emoluments from African, South American, Central American, and Continental Asian governments, including Russia and Turkey, for militarily relevant activities, without waivers approved by Congressional majorities.

Require 100 percent domestic manufacture of US grid transformers within four years. Require robust grid defenses from coronal mass ejections.

Eliminate funding for the misnamed National Endowment for Democracy.

Ban privateering, except against declared enemies during wars declared by Congress.

When a cheaper commercial product of equivalent or better quality exists, require the military to buy the commercial product. Require the military to reduce the percentage of its personnel in support services to 40 percent or lower by 2030.

Prohibit the export, import, and transfer of genes taken from human pathogens.

Require federal biodefense research funds be spent within one federal agency. Staff the NSC with at least one senior biodefense official. Pass the Weapons of Mass Destruction Prevention and Preparedness Act of 2009.

Eliminate all US visas for individuals from OIC nations and Kosovo. Eliminate H-2 visas.

Ban individuals having past three generations Arab, Berber, Chinese, Russian, African, Crimean, Albanian, Yugoslavian, Eastern Ukrainian or South Asian ancestry, including the Caucasus, from working in the US nuclear arsenal, biosafety labs, defense contractors, and intelligence positions. Ban individuals having Chinese and Russian ancestry from working on militarily relevant science and technology at corporations and universities.

Spend at least $21 million per year searching for space objects potentially on a collision course with earth.

Prohibit current and former employees of US intelligence entities from being employed by or doing gig work for foreign entities.

Remove all US warships from the Persian Gulf and the Straits of Hormuz. Remove all diplomatic personnel from OIC member lands.

Prohibit the sale of microbes potentially used for biological warfare, except for government agencies working on defenses from those microbes. Expand and strengthen international treaties limiting the possession of bioweapens.

Use incentives with China and Russia to encourage their governments to 1) eliminate biological weapons and their development, 2) stop selling nuclear and bioweapons products and technologies.

Withdraw from the misnamed Compacts of Free Association.

Create two technology agencies, one U.S. and one international, to handle liability, intellectual property claims, harm-benefit accounting of technologies, regulation of technologies with evil expected values, and education about technologies with beneficial expected values.

Deport all individuals illegally in the United States, except convicted, sufficiently dangerous individuals, who should be incarcerated within the United States.

Prohibit foreign and multinational entities from purchasing, merging with or owning shares of US entities producing or having access to confidential, secret, and top secret US information.

Prohibit foreign born individuals from having confidential, secret, and top secret security clearances.

Replace many long hikes and runs with strength training and interval training in all branches. Avoid hikes and runs on uneven ground, except as part of combat simulations.

End current Army counter-insurgency units, tactics, and strategies.

Cut the CIA and National Security Agency budgets by 92 percent. Ban private NSA and CIA contracting, except for the purchase of physical goods.

Prevent information processing machines from having military decision making powers.

Require greater competitive bidding, more efficient purchasing, and faster development within the military.

Pass the Stop Price Gouging the Military Act.

Relax enlistment physical fitness standards for desk jobs.

Build no new aircraft carriers.

Offer federally funded and strictly run guaranteed-hire jobs to competent, non-incarcerated citizens age 13 or over to 1) weatherize buildings, 2) build fallout and pathogen shelters, 3) provide full service (free for all to use) tire pressure checks and fills, 4) install air conditioning refrigerant level sensors throughout the US, 5) check refrigerant levels in buildings throughout the US, 6) construct simple earthbag homes smaller than 950 square feet on lots smaller than 0.14 acres (selling the homes to the highest bidder), 7) plant edible, perennial, polyculture plants on public lands and on non-corporate private lands under ten acres, with owners desiring such plants, 8) trim or remove any plants obstructing public signs, sidewalks or intersection sight lines, 9) harvest rainwater for beneficial purposes, 10) work on infrastructure projects having overall benefits outweighing harms. Require all guaranteed-hire participants to adequately perform job duties to retain their jobs.

Require government cybersecurity entities to oppose all unauthorized cyber incursions into government assets.

Ban the classification of illegal and or unjustifiable harmful acts.

Strengthen laws preventing the export of national security related goods and services. Enhance enforcement, increase prosecutions, and punishments of violators. Prohibit the sale and or transfer of vertebrate infection relevant pathogen nucleic acid fragments worldwide. Ban the construction of vertebrate infection relevant pathogen nucleic acids and or pathogen nucleic acid fragments worldwide. Ban the addition of nucleic acid fragments to microorganisms that could become vertebrate pathogens worldwide. Ban the import and or export of pathogen nucleic acid fragments worldwide.

Pass a congressional resolution demanding that NATO members not spend any taxpayer funds on members of royal families, except healthcare for impoverished members.

Cease C-17, V-22, Crusader artillery, and Comanche helicopter production. Replace B-1 and B-2 bombers with better bombers. Increase production of B-21 bombers. Refurbish existing Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles. Fund the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent. Increase the number of US nuclear weapons to nearly equal the number held by China, Russia, Pakistan, and North Korea combined.

Eliminate ballistic missile defense funding.

Mail free, sealed potassium iodide tablets to all Americans, including instructions for use during nuclear war. Deliver a 60-day supply of sugar and high calorie canned foods to domestic citizens living more than 15 miles from likely nuclear war targets. Require households to store the sugar and canned foods.

In 2025, prohibit remittances to China, Russia, Belarus, and North Korea, including through third parties unless their peoples choose new, ethical governments. Prohibit anyone born outside the United States and NATO countries from receiving more than the median annual household income in annual remuneration from US government and professional sports entities.

Require presidential, attorney general, and chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff approval for use of nuclear weapons, except when one or more have been killed or incapacitated by enemies.

Fine service members 20 percent of their monthly incomes once when they refuse vaccines ordered by their commanders.

Fire or demote government employees placing self-interest and or gang interest above the US public interest, whether ego or economic. Fire government contractors placing self-interest and or gang interest above the US public interest. Sentence criminal violators to hard labor.

Keep strategic bombers in a strategic nuclear fly on warning disposition. Limit the use of strategic bombers for conventional purposes. Begin planning to build some non-nuclear powered submarines and or to purchase some from Sweden.

Implement violation of the NATO charter tariffs on any NATO member shutting down well-functioning nuclear energy plants for so-called environmental reasons.

Give majority House vote, in conjunction with FTC and Antitrust Division approval, the power to block mergers and acquisitions for national defense reasons, plus the ability to order corporate breakups for national defense reasons.

Eliminate the joint duty assignment requirement for promotion to O7.

Legalize demotions, dishonorable discharges, and bad conduct discharges for poorly behaving officers.

Ban peacetime control of all weapons by so-called artificial intelligence. Ban control of weapons of mass destruction at all times by artificial intelligence.

Prohibit the export of shortage PPE items, except to NATO military forces.

Remove US forces from Japan.

Create a U.S. agency to study and enforce technology violations. Use the U.S. military to enforce violations abroad if the international agency refuses to do so.

Create an agency to provide vouchers to cover 40 percent for the first $12,000 dollars of fallout shelter construction upon completion and passing inspection. Create a $7,000 voucher for cob, underground, and earth bag houses smaller than 1600 square feet and larger than 300 square feet, used for primary residences, presented upon completion and passing inspection. Ban all zoning laws and HOA rules prohibiting the construction of such homes.

Prohibit individuals having US security clearances from using social media, online video games, and online dating sites.

Mandy Smithberger: "require contractors to provide certified cost or pricing data to contracting officers before receiving a sole-source contract of more than $500,000... track which companies refuse or delay providing pricing information."

Pass the Best Price for Our Military Act of 2024.

Close the Gerry Adams loophole permitting terrorism advocates to enter the US.

Make databases of known criminals available to banks for anti-dirty money enforcement.

Pass the Levin and Coleman tax haven reform plan.

Julia Gledhill: repeal "statutory requirements for Pentagon wish lists."

Prohibit current and former US scientists, engineers, military personnel, and military contractor employees from knowingly working with or for Chinese, Russian, Belarusian, and OIC entities.

Eliminate the Refugee Resettlement Program and all similar programs.

Eliminate $69 billion per year spending on the Overseas Contingency Operations account.

Require independent, realistic, difficult situations, sufficiently large sample testing of military equipment in development, equipment insufficiently tested in the past, and equipment at risk of falling apart, with all results reported to the president, Congress, and the most senior service branch officer.

Repeal the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.

Create a tamper-proof, biometric electronic employment verification system. Approve REAL-ID with biometric data. Expand US-VISIT to all US entry points.

Ban anyone older than 61 from having a greater than three-star rank.

Eliminate the misnamed Office of Strategic Capital and Small Business Investment Company.

Require every nation demanding US taxpayer funded and US life risking military assistance to enforce a 99 percent marginal wealth tax on wealth above $1.2 million dollars, plus an above $200,000 per year marginal income tax of at least 59 percent on all their citizens and former citizens. No more requiring Americans to make huge sacrifices for nations that have hedonist, parasitic, mass destructive rich people sacrificing almost nothing.

Require the top marginal US income tax rate to at least equal 59 percent during wars causing at least 90 US casualties per year, along with a maximum annual salary limit of $540,000 per year.

Ban current and former scientists and engineers at US biocontainment labs from leaving the US and from having passports.

Ban foreigner US entry, except NATO, Australian, and New Zealander citizens of high moral character, along with high value defectors.

Pass the No START Treaty Act, except missile defense portions.

Ban back pay, unemployment benefits, and or severance pay to government employees fired for disobeying anti-pathogen mandates.

Ban US scientists and engineers from knowingly, privately communicating scientific and engineering knowledge to Russian, Chinese, Belarusian, and OIC entities.

Reduce federal anti-terrorism grants to states and local governments.

Provide federal funding to massively increase available medical residencies. 

Implement some of https:/

Implement some of the HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan, H1N1 Influenza Improvement Plan, National Biodefense Plan, Johns Hopkins Preparedness for a High-Impact Respiratory Pathogen Pandemic, and National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza.

Provide at least 2.8 billion dollars per year for state and local preparedness training and organizing.

Remove all Muslims, Groypers, monarchists, neoconservatives, multiculturalists, Proud Boys, QAnon supporters, rapture believers, progressive communists, Armageddon believers, and self-described national socialists from the military, State Department, intelligence agencies, and federal politically appointed positions within the next 24 months.

Disband military bands.

Stealthily give nuclear weapons to Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and South Korea once sufficient numbers of adequate nuclear weapons exist, then leak afterwards the fait accompli.

Prohibit intelligence agencies from committing and or funding violent acts, except in justifiable self-defense and or against foreign enemies during wars declared by Congressional majorities.

Prohibit military facilities from serving  foods containing more than 14 percent of their calories in sugars. Prohibit military facilities from selling foods containing more than 14 percent of their calories in sugars. Prohibit military facilities from serving foods containing non-sugar sweeteners.

Provide voters with a list of countries having United States military forces each November the United States is not in a declared war. Require majority voter approval for each country to keep United States forces. Give the government 180 days to remove forces when no votes exceed yes votes, except when Congress declares war during the 180 days.

Ban the transfer of secret and top secret Federal classified information to other nations, except Australia, New Zealand, and NATO nations.

Prohibit anyone with access to classified information from having sexual and romantic relationships with foreigners, from receiving gifts and remuneration from foreign and multinational entities exceeding $16.

Inform some NATO nations that their migration policies violate the NATO Charter. Use strong incentives on violators. Prohibit NATO expansion.

Fire Capital Police who permitted a handful of rioters, looters, and assaulters to push into capital grounds, then permitted larger groups of such to follow.

Prohibit the military from propaganda partnerships with spectator sports teams.

Ban United States warships and military aircraft from traveling within 60 miles of China, Russia, and Venezuela, except during nuclear war or under Congressional declaration of war.

Create a joint United States-Russian center to prevent nuclear false alarms.

Prohibit NATO virologists, mycologists, microbiologists, bacteriologists, and protozoologists from working with OIC, Russian, Chinese, and North Korean citizens. Prohibit NATO virologists, mycologists, microbiologists, bacteriologists, and protozoologists from working with scientists from any nation permitting scientists to increase pathogen infectivities, R naughts and or case fatality rates to humans and human food organisms.

Remove CIA employees from South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.

Fire all military officer supporters of contemporary COIN tactics and strategies.

Establish military-wide, situational hearing protection requirements for non-combat activities, then enforce the requirements.

Require Department of State work duty related electronic communications to be made from Department of State controlled communications systems, except for justifiable whistleblowing.

Prohibit officers above the 0-5 rank from having annual remuneration above their highest inflation adjusted military salary for the remainders of their lives.

Permit the Secretary of State to fire or demote without due process current State Department employees for  fallacious and or ethically harmful military or foreign policy acts.

Dishonorably discharge military personnel manufacturing false flag crimes.

Increase hostile fire pay and imminent danger pay to $500 per month.

Ban the use of alternative medicine by the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs.

Ban use of veteran and active duty education benefits at for-profit  institutions, grandfathering for veterans currently attending for-profit institutions. 

Reduce Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard boot camps to six weeks.

Obtain the latest naval mine technologies. Increase the number of naval mines based on those technologies to at least 37,000. Stockpile at least 8,000 modern, long range air-to-surface missiles.

End US participation in the Military World Games.

Ban US citizens from joining foreign military and paramilitary organizations without majority congressional or presidential approval.

Create a mandatory minimum sentence of 99 years, 110 hours per week hard labor for espionage.

Ban government entities from paying for rescue attempts of civilian Americans kidnapped in foreign conflict areas having greater than 22 violent deaths per year per 100,000 population.

Require sufficient sample size testing of prototypes in a wide variety of conditions before making large purchases of new high-tech items.

Prohibit judges and legislators from military officer appointments.

Require officers and officer trainees found guilty of academic cheating to serve as E-1 enlisted personnel for the next four years. Ban open book quizzes and tests during military training.

Amend the War Powers Resolution to limit military violence against foreign non-state actors to six days, except when laws and or congressional resolutions extend the use of military violence.

Enact nationwide maximum non-physician salaries of four times the lowest paid military ranks during military conflicts causing greater than 30 US casualties per month.

Prohibit US entity funding of military and or dual use science and or technology research and development.

Provide up to two years of tuition free public community college or public vocational training available to honorably discharged combat veterans, except for classes subject to negative externality taxes.

Pass the Protections for Student Veterans Act.

Ban the military from naming new equipment types with acronyms. Ban the military from using the word mark or the letter M followed by a number to name new equipment. Require naming new equipment after pet names or descriptive names or non-hominid species, for example, Tiger Claw Rocket  or Johnny Winch or Six Pound Hammer or Beast Mode Cargo Truck.

During wars declared by Congress, discontinue secondary and post-secondary classes, except for students highly likely to obtain degrees in sufficiently beneficial medical, engineering, natural science, and or vocational fields. Find sufficiently beneficial strength, character, and intelligence appropriate jobs for 12 to 18-year-olds.

Prohibit giving medals and promotions for daytime frontal infantry assaults on prepared defenses, likewise for units suffering ambushes.

Select progressive Pigouvian tax shifts over rationing. Ration only when further increases in Pigouvian taxes create excessive tax cheating, excessive black markets, and or insufficient reductions in civilian demand for militarily important goods and or services.

Ban paying military recruiters bonuses based on numbers of recruits signed.

Ban the promotion of officers having terminal non-military humanities and or social science degrees above O-5. 

Ban retired military officers from Federal elected and politically appointed positions, except at the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Ban the military recruitment of individuals having IQs below 83, except during wars declared by Congress. 

Ban the military recruitment of individuals having IQs between 83 to 94 if they have at least one of the following: prior arrests, warrants, convictions, outstanding fines, gang memberships, panic disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression, schizophrenia, ADHD, borderline personality disorder, and or tattoos above the collarbone, except during wars declared by Congress.

Ban the recruitment of military personnel having neuroticism, defined as prior treatment for anxiety combined with moodiness and aggression, except during wars declared by Congress.

Prohibit retired officers, active duty officers, and state department employees from spewing, for general public consumption, non-anonymous claims disparaging living foreign perceived enemies.

On US soil, prohibit training foreign military personnel having a greater than 0.4 percent chance of deserting.

Withdraw from nuclear weapons treaties with Russia because of rampant Russian and Soviet era violations.

Prohibit US funded training of foreign military personnel having IQs below 98.

Implement these Project on Government Oversight military contracting reforms.

Insert into the US Military Code of Conduct: well-reasoned ethical arguments outweigh all other considerations combined. Avoid escaping from enemy prisons, except when unanimous prisoner support for mass escape exists. Never surrender to enemies having track records of creating psychosis, unrelenting torture, tolerating pathogens, indoctrinating totalitarianism, and or causing severe malnourishment. Ignore surrender orders when not detectable by enemies, plus at least a 40 percent individual chance to evade and survive exists. Evading personal must avoid causing guerilla attacks when creating reprisal aggression against friendly civilians and or allied prisoners. Evading personnel should hide their dog tags and adopt new identities when well-reasoned. Working US prisoners of war must engage in stealthy sabotage when US civilians or US prisoners of war endure mass destruction. Keep combat area rosters of allied personnel and helpful civilians secret and hidden, destroying them when facing conquest. Prisoners should report deceased and missing personnel to enemies as dead when interrogated about them, saying they heard of the deaths and know no details. Allied prisoners of war have a right and duty to kill any fellow prisoner when a preponderance of evidence suggests the fellow prisoner is an enemy agent. Do not pose for photos with body parts and or dead individuals. Do not mutilate dead individuals. Do not sell, collect, and or purchase enemy flags and other enemy insignia, except for beneficial deception or intelligence purposes. Surrendering personnel should hide, bury, donate, and or destroy valuables before surrendering, along with unimportant items from enemy countries. Treat enemy combatants and or hostile civilians last when shortages of relevant medical services and or goods exist. (Remove or improve claims contradicting the above reforms.)

Eliminate enlistment requirements for GEDs or high school diplomas. Use biometric ID verified standardized tests instead.

Cajole NATO allies to keep Russian assets frozen as leverage on Russia rather than seize the assets.

Permit conscientious objector draft avoidance status to individuals opposing wars fought for religions, globalism, hedonism, corruption, neoconservatism, Randism, Randian third wayism, social communism, economic communism,  progressive communism, expansion of empires, ruling class egoism, and or denying self-determination rights to non-evil groups, including Randian neoconservatism labeled as centrism and liberal democracy, along with foreign elites bribing treasonous domestic elites into destructive alliances.

Draft individuals conscientiously objecting for religious reasons as medics or corpsmen.

Lower the minimum age for enlistments to 16 for 16-year-olds able to squat 160 pounds and overhead press 55 pounds using safe machines.

Replace traditional military definitions of winning and losing with ethical definitions. Examples: ethical winning would be results producing better long-term consequences to non-wealthy citizens than non-participation or results that nearly optimize long-term consequences. Traditional military definitions define temporarily conquering negative value territories despite huge costs as winning.

Prohibit loans from NATO entities to African, Chinese, Russian, Belarusian, South Asian, Central Asian, and Southwest Asian entities, including their citizens living abroad.

Require military officers to score at least 124 on independently proctored IQ tests to gain promotions above 0-5, thereafter scoring at least 124 on biennial, independently proctored IQ tests to remain above 0-5.

Re-implement a US nuclear bomber alert force.

Prohibit government employees from using US government owned ships as personal yachts. Prohibit using US war fighting machinery as propaganda props and or stages by elected officials, political candidates, and political appointees.

Permit government employee supervisors to order immediate employee breathalyzers and or urine drug tests when observing harmful employee acts consistent with mood altering drug use.

Give Congress the right, with majority vote, to declare anti-pathogen mask, test, vaccine, filtration, ventilation, quarantine, and or far-UVC mandates over the entire country or specific parts of the country.

Exempt Federal assets from state and local environmental regulations.

Katarzyna P. Adamala and others: "prevent the production of mirror genomes and proteomes, or functional equivalents sufficient to enable the construction of a mirror cell. We recommend research to determine which, if any, other enabling technologies warrant oversight. Systems for monitoring the purchase of mirror oligonucleotides and precursors, and regulations and laws to prevent the creation of mirror life, should also be considered. As science progresses and opens additional pathways to the creation of mirror life, measures should be regularly reviewed."

JT Fournier, last updated December 14, 2024