Sunday, September 12, 2010


This blog is a test of ethical character, the most important part of a human being. If you can read the entirety of this blog without getting bored or offended, congratulations. You are likely near the top in cognitive ethical character traits, unlike the mass destructive multitudes treating politics as infotainment and as opportunities to engage in fanatical, knee-jerk, poorly reasoned grandstanding. 

You likely understand that creating beneficence and accurately weighing good points are most important in ethics, aided by real meritarianism, not the ersatz meritarianism of power.

The public policy prescriptions on this site would provide at least two quadrillion dollars in economic benefits and prevented costs, including opportunity costs, over the next 200 years, much more in other ethical benefits.

Book Reviews

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Energy Policy Recommendations

Provide federal funding to build at least 58,000 sufficiently beneficial location US roundabouts at a mean cost of no more than $305,000 per roundabout.

Eliminate fuel economy rules (CAFE) for vehicles. Ban the carbon offsets, cash-for-clunkers, and cap-and-trade financial scams.

Create a nine cents per pound federal sales tax on motor vehicle fuels derived from fossil fuels. Increase the tax with the CPI plus one cent per pound each month for 22 years, then continue to increase with the CPI. Break off trade relations with any non-OPEC nation that does not enact similar or larger Pigouvian taxes on motor vehicle fossil fuels. Create a $21 per ton of carbon emissions negative externality tax on fossil fuel generated electricity from utilities. Increase the tax with the CPI plus three dollars each year for the next 26 years, then continue to increase with the CPI. Offset the regressive effect of this and other Pigouvian taxes by gradually eliminating the 15.3 percent payroll taxes on productive work, using taxes on negative externalities for Social Security and healthcare.

Slap escalating with prices taxes on imported fossil fuels costing greater than 31 percent more than the costs of production and transportation. Encourage other nations to do likewise, adding additional negative externality taxes on imports from nations that refuse.

Require non-nuclear ships and boats above 800 metric tons, docked in US ports, to go cold iron, except when sailing within 2.5 hours.

Create electronic vouchers to energy inspect and weatherize utility using United States buildings not already inspected and or weatherized. 

Mail, with instructions, to every United States household: an Ambient Orb, Kill-A-Watt, electric mattress pad, mini power minder, and window bubble wrap for Christmas.

Ban NIMBY lawsuits and HOA regulations restricting the use of energy conservation practices and non-fossil fuel sources of energy, along with state and local government regulations doing the same.

Create a GPS air traffic control system.

Eliminate the Energy Star program. Ban Energy Star labeling on products. The program is riddled with fraud.

Repeal the Jones Act, requiring US built ships for domestic shipping. Eliminate the harbor maintenance tax on domestic shipping.

Approve the construction and use of well-designed, well-regulated fast breeder reactors and nuclear energy facilities.

Legalize the use of licensed four wheel vehicles not passing federal passenger safety standards on roads and private properties having speed limits under 30 miles per hour.

Repeal the 25 percent tariff on imported light trucks.

Require government buildings to avoid using air conditioning to cool spaces below 71 degrees and to avoid heating spaces above 68 degrees, except when beneficial for scientific or medical or military or shelf life storage reasons.

Require at least 85 percent of US electrical energy usage to be from non-fossil fuel sources by 2046, banning top 0.1 percent income individuals from possessing electrical devices and traveling by vehicles from 2046 onward if the goal is not met.

Eliminate tariffs on non-fossil fuel energy equipment, including rechargeable batteries and other energy storage equipment.

Require new electric vehicles to have standardized connections to charging stations. Require charging stations to charge competitors' electric vehicle models.

Provide federal funds to construct additional freeway ramps when the overall benefits outweigh harms.

Prohibit state, local, and judicial entities from blocking energy relevant projects and policies approved by Congressional and or executive branch entities.

Repeal the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Repeal the misnamed Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.

Require mineral and fossil fuel extraction entities to create and sufficiently fund negative externality escrow accounts to pay for remediation of harmful leaks and land pollution caused by their activities.

Ban the use of corn stover for utility electrical production.

Create mandatory minimum sentences of at least one day of hard labor for each $20 of harms caused by energy grid attacks, plus mandatory minimum lifetime hard labor sentences for energy grid attacks causing deaths, the same for attacks on energy grid equipment manufacturers and distributors, likewise for attacks on shipping, railroads, and trucking.

Enact these nuclear energy reforms.

Prohibit government entities from requiring vehicle purchases through dealerships and other middlemen.

Ban government entities from charging electric streetcar and cable car companies for street maintenance.

Prohibit government entities from blocking construction and or operation of energy and or construction projects having prior legal approval, except when new evidence beyond a reasonable doubt arises that such projects will cause at least three times as many harms as benefits.

Implement the Seams electrical grid policy conclusions.

Ban states from closing rest areas, except for short-term repairs. Auction empty land in large rest areas for gas stations and charging stations.

Pass the Atomic Energy Advancement Act.

Pass the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024.

Eliminate most government mandates requiring private energy conservation.

JT Fournier, last updated July 23, 2024

Foreign Policy Recommendations

Vaccinate at least 98 percent of children worldwide for measles. Deliver insecticide sprayed mosquito netting to at least 98 percent of individuals in malaria prone areas.

Bellagio Study Group: Spend 2.5 billion dollars yearly for prevention and treatment of malaria worldwide, four billion dollars yearly for treatment of other childhood illnesses. Per Bjorn Lomborg: Spend $60 million each year to provide micronutrients to 140 million undernourished children. Per the Stop TB Partnership: Provide DOTS tuberculosis treatment to almost all TB victims. Provide hepatitis B vaccinations to high risk individuals. Increase research for dengue fever prevention and treatment.

Ethically fund, oversee, regulate, and enforce a global plan to end tuberculosis by 2030.

Create a $4.1 billion fund to conduct bio-prospecting research and development medically beneficial substances in poor country biological hot-spots, provided any beneficial substances discovered during the prospecting enters the public domain.

Create coordinated import controls of imported oil, so prices do not skyrocket when glitches occur.

Prohibit US government foreign aid, except aid for family planning, disease prevention, medical treatments, and defense from aggression, likewise for private entities receiving US government contracts and or tax entitlements. Require all such aid to be in goods and or services, not money.

Ban all US state, local, and or federal government sponsored or insured loans to foreign and or multinational entities. Prohibit US government entities from insuring and or bailing out entities holding bad loans from foreign and or multinational entities.

Prohibit US partnerships, US corporations, US insured entities, and multinational entities employing US citizens from making loans to foreign governments.

Prohibit imports from entities failing to meet at least the minimum ILO health and safety standards. Prohibit imports from entities failing to pay purchasing power parity adjusted minimum wages greater than half the US Federal minimum wage.

Treat required military service for entities engaging in aggression, oligarchism, legalized bribery, plutocratic mass media domination, and criminal punishment of non-wealthy individual political speech as forced labor. Prohibit trade with such entities and other entities using forced labor.
William Greider: Eliminate parts of trade agreements with anything similar to NAFTA's Chapter 11.

Require Peace Corps employees to have beneficial, relevant ethical, scientific, and or technical expertise.

Break off trade relations with nations requiring death, imprisonment or corporal punishment for sexual preference status.

Ban any foreign and or multinational entity from suing any US entity for libel and or slander in any US court. Ban any US entity from upholding any foreign libel, slander and or speech crimes against US entities.

Implement the Copenhagen Consensus 2012 prescriptions.

Replace many import bans from highly unethical global and foreign entities with large negative externality taxes on imports from those entities. Require US allies to do likewise, enacting Pigouvian import taxes on nations refusing to enact the negative externality taxes.

Require strict oversight of all foreign aid.

Prohibit government employees from having romantic and sexual activities with non-US citizens.

Donate and administer 16 million malaria vaccinations per year.

Withdraw US funding for and membership in the club for oligarchal dictatorships, also known as the United Nations, including voluntary contributions, except activities with sufficiently high expected values, including anti-dysgenic policies and positive eugenic policies. Sell the UN building to private entities.

Ban donations of taxpayer money to foreign and international NGOs engaged in political activism.

Defund USAID political programs.

Increase funding for beneficial randomized, active controlled studies, using researchers with excellent knowledge, track records, and willingness to examine all relevant factors. Require publication of all such studies, to reduce publication bias. Increase funding for replication research of such studies.

Create a federally funded internet tube channel or site teaching antitrust, helpful technologies, ethical reasoning, anti-corruption tactics, positive practices to spread beneficial genes, health practices, dysgenics prevention, methods of democracy, and other beneficial subjects, having selectable subtitles in dozens of common languages, correctly defining eugenics as increasing the percentages of genes producing beneficial long-term ethical consequences, defining dysgenics as increasing the percentages of genes producing harmful long-term ethical consequences.

Conduct a randomized, active controlled study of copper alloy plated silverware to prevent dysentery and food poisoning. Do likewise for copper alloy plated plates. And again for copper alloy interior plated drinking water receptacles. Do a study of eating utensils heated to at least 165° Fahrenheit prior to eating. Do efficacy studies of differing methods of hand washing.

Ban the export of tobacco products. Ban the foreign sale of liquor and tobacco products using brand names originating in the US.

Prohibit current or former US corporations, nonprofits, millionaires, billionaires, and trillionaires from giving financial and or material assistance to primarily political foreign and or multinational entities.

Increase research on push-pull pest mitigation plants and practices.

Ban waste disposal of non-rag, non-hazardous, non-undergarment serviceable clothing. Require used, serviceable clothing, including footwear, to be sold or given to other entities, including international charities.

Increase incentives in the Priority Review Voucher program to increase development of cultural and medical interventions having high expected values but low profitability.

Pass the Desert Locust Control Act.

Prohibit US enforcement of non-compete, non-disclosure, and or non-solicitation agreements with private entities that operate in non-democratic countries and or in countries that block self-determination of non-aggressive groups.

Prohibit secret investor-state dispute settlements.  Require Congressional approval of dispute settlement arbitrators. Prohibit lawsuits seeking payments for profit losses caused by fiscal and or monetary policies. 

Withdraw from parts of treaties containing unethical claims.

Prohibit companies from countries opposing democracy, self-determination, and or basic workers' rights of non-aggressive entities from participating in US financial securities exchanges, along with banning companies from countries waging wars of aggression.

Prohibit exemptions to US labor, safety, and environmental regulations in so-called free trade zones.

Prohibit foreign and multinational donations to and purchases from nonprofit entities operating in the United States, except nonprofit entities devoted to providing food, housing, and healthcare to low income individuals.

Pass the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act.

Ban US entities from constructing buildings in tropical and subtropical countries having fewer than 8.5 equivalent air changes per hour.

Prohibit US government entities from funding social science research outside the United States, except research directly relevant to foreign policies and or international economics, including military policies.

Prohibit US government entity terrorism, insurgency, counterterrorism, and or counterinsurgency military and financial assistance to foreign entities, except for allies and enemies during wars declared by Congress.

Ban US government assistance to foreign schools and or to US students attending foreign schools, except to US citizen students attending foreign and US government accredited human medical field or veterinary field schools, costing less than a quarter of similar US schools.

JT Fournier, last updated May 11, 2024

Health Policy Recommendations

Create a federally funded, universal, non-corrupt, insurance free, free to enroll health care system open to all US citizens, locally administered, employing medical workers receiving hourly wages, with strict state and federal oversight, charging $5.25 for prescriptions, $12 for physician appointments, $15 for tests, $40 per night for hospital stays, $180 for emergency room treatment, and $15 for most other medical treatments. Require healthy non-payers to perform one hour of community service per $8.10 owed. Permit those wanting to pay for other health care at private facilities that option. Eliminate Medicare, Medicaid, and the prescription drug so-called benefit. Fund comprehensive family planning, including free IUD installations. Legalize citizen re-importation of non-mood altering prescription drugs. Provide for $15 each: eye exams, hearing exams, dental exams, dental x-rays, fillings, and extractions. Permit teenagers access to birth control without parental or guardian approval. Give FDA approval to Plan B. 

Provide CDC recommended vaccines at no charge to patients.

Provide free to patients preventative care providing more overall benefits than harms, including ethical harms and economic costs.

Require children to receive all shots and vaccines recommended by the CDC for children, including hepatitis B vaccinations and vitamin K shots for newborns, along with an Epstein-Barr vaccine once one gets approved, except children with significant medical exemptions. Provide seasonal flu vaccines free to citizens. Require all foreign entrants to the US to have the same vaccines before entering the US.

Create a national registry on how individuals fare after surgeries and other treatments.

Larry Zaroff: Create a nationwide database of drugs prescribed to patients. Make the database available to working pharmacists and those permitted to write prescriptions.

Shannon Brownlee: Create "a new Institute for Effective Medicine. It would serve as a new, independent source of research dollars for medicine. It would provide independent evaluation of data generated by industry. And it would oversee the creation of clinical practice guidelines, a manual of proven best practices for physicians... without industry influence."

Increase Federal medical treatment research, development, and production by at least three percent plus the inflation rate each year for the next 40 years. Use the money to find and implement non-patentable treatments with the highest benefit-cost ratios, sometimes studying the effectiveness of substances lacking patents in new medical applications, comparing the cost effectiveness of all relevant treatments.

Cut the number of federally funded endarterectomies by at least 55 percent, back surgeries by at least 60 percent, and the number of chondroplasties by at least 99 percent.

Prohibit makers and distributors of drugs or medical devices from giving gifts to anyone in the medical industry, except first, second or third degree relatives.

Slash the number of evidence free medical procedures, for example, as proposed here.

Require anyone with a trivial, medically insignificant complaint, who demands an ambulance or emergency room treatment, to pay out  of pocket or perform 20 hours of community service or serve three days in jail (if they fail to pay or show for community service).

Increase non-patentable federal funding for pathogenic vaccine and addictive drug vaccine research, development, and production by at least 100 percent.

Increase federal funding for pain management research and education by 90 percent. Double the number of federally funded pain management clinical trials.

Implement a 70 percent negative externalities VAT on meat, except sardines, freshwater farmed fish, and  destructive animals such as nutria, feral swine, Asian carp, and constrictor snakes. Implement a 40 percent VAT on poultry. Create a 60 percent VAT on non-meat food products that provide more than 14 percent of their calories from sugars and non-sugar refined flour. Ban the retail sale to children under 17 of foods having more than 14 percent of their calories from sugars.

Fully fund the Johns Hopkins Clinical Compound Screening Initiative to test existing drugs for efficacy against illnesses they were not developed to help.

Require drug makers to remove drugs from the market when follow up studies indicate harms outweigh benefits. End federal funding for treatments with overall harms outweighing overall benefits.

Prohibit rebates for pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Amend relevant privacy laws to collect, analyze, and publish price and quality data on doctors. Pass the National Medical Error Disclosure and Compensation Bill, creating a national database of medical errors, along with researching injury prevention and implementing injury prevention programs.

Require medical field schools to increase the number of nursing school graduates by at least 85 percent, medical school graduates 78 percent, and other medical field graduates 68 percent to qualify for federal health care funds and financial aid. Continue changing numbers of medical field graduates in proportion to population changes. Create one national medical licensing board. 

Prohibit medical field workers from working more than 15 straight hours, except during medical emergencies. Require such workers to leave their work places for at least nine hours after shifts end.

Increase funding for Toxoplasma Gondii research.

Reinstate the US entry ban on HIV positive individuals and others testing positive for pathogens likely to cost citizens more than $1,000. 

End the ban on stem cell research. 

Increase funding on flu vaccine research and production by at least $200 million per year.

Stockpile 460 million doses of smallpox vaccine, enough for every citizen and for non-Americans at places of outbreaks.

Provide Federal funding to produce and distribute vaccines costing fewer than $40 each from production to patient delivery, leaving no purchase cost for recipients.

Legalize irradiation for all legal foods.

Separate prisoners with lethal contagious pathogens from the rest of the prison population. Prohibit prisons from hiring guards having lethal contagious diseases.

Permit pharmacists, phlebotomists, paramedics, pharmacy technicians, and emergency medical technicians to administer vaccines.

Require dietary supplements to comply with FDA drug laws, banning the sale of any not complying.

Allow competent adults to sell their body parts and to sell their future cadavers. (Bruce Gottlieb: 2,300 people a year die waiting for kidney transplants. Kidneys from dead people last eight years. Kidneys donated from the living last 17 years. Dialysis costs $40,000 per year for those waiting for a transplant.)

Increase Federal community housing funding and placements for mentally ill homeless individuals.

Ban intellectual property claims on medical treatments developed in part with government funds.

Require vaccine researchers and manufacturers to create challenge studies, recruiting study participants at least 99 percent unlikely to suffer death or long-term disabling adverse events, during vaccine lacking viral pandemics at least 40 percent likely to kill at least 80,000 Americans. Incentivize vaccine manufacturers to produce pandemic relevant vaccines as soon as relevant phase II vaccine trials begin, even if some vaccines fail to gain eventual FDA approval and must be discarded.

Encourage national pandemic vaccine and medication distributions based on expected values when shortages exist, roughly infection fatality rates plus permanent disability rates, times probabilities of infections, times remaining life expectancies for subgroups, with age, work, gender, health histories, numbers of individuals living together among the factors used for classifying subgroups, putting mass destructive people last: billionaires, elected officials, lobbyists, national TV news people, financializers, college administrators, retired politicians, pro sports folks, oligopoly executives, and Hollywood executives.

David Manstein: "Government should offer to buy put-options for any vaccine production facilities... started now that they don't use... pay 102% of the cost, plus 1% per month, less than two years to completion... a functional facility, with inspections by an independent body."

Fund research on many mask types, various mask air gap closing devices, and masks dried after soaking in hydrophilic solutions.

Permit probate judges to require daily antipsychotic medications for mental illness caused psychosis, regardless whether such mentally ill individuals pose a threat to themselves or others.

Require new smart phones and computers to have important health information apps and extensions pre-installed, including personalizable pandemic information.

Require quarantine detainees to participate in ethical medical research.

Prohibit products from being advertised as health enhancing, except when having approval by the FDA and having suggestive evidence from replicated, independent, controlled clinical trials.

Require the FDA to approve or not approve treatments based on ethical expected values. Require the FDA and pharmaceutical manufacturers to recommend dose sizes with greatest known situational ethical expected values, not greatest profit values, not lawsuit avoidance values, not arbitrary rules.

Ban government entities from charging sales taxes, excise taxes, and value added taxes on FDA approved pharmaceuticals, except aspirin and acetaminophen. Prohibit government entities from charging sales taxes, excise taxes, and value added taxes on medical masks and pulse oximeters and nicotine gums and blood pressure machines and air filtration equipment sufficient to filter corona viruses and most other airborne virus particles.

Place organ donation stickers on all driving licenses and state ID cards. Require individuals to opt out if they do not wish to donate organs. Place opt out individuals lower on lists to receive organ donations.

Require 72-years-old and older drivers to pass written and road driving tests once every two years.

Prohibit the importation of medical use masks that fail to block at least 93 percent of virus-size particles.

Permit licensed pharmaceutical prescribers to prescribe mifepristone and misoprostol. Reasons: little danger, earlier abortions rather than more and later abortions.

Require all acetaminophen tablets to contain low doses of N-acetyleysteine to prevent overdoses. Create a 20 cents per 325 milligrams excise tax on aspirin.

Allocate at least $30 million annually for the study and development of 18-mc, noribogaine, and similar drugs.

Make tianeptine a federal Schedule II drug.

Require dietitian and secondary health classes to emphasize the benefits of intermittent fasting, low carb-high fiber foods, and avoidance of becoming overweight throughout life, given the research suggesting the rarity of individuals being able to lose weight and keep it off, along with avoidance of processed meats.

Require all new mattresses and couches to have at least 16 point font visible advisory labels that side sleepers should sleep with their lower legs dangling off. Require all new mattresses to have at least 16 point font visible advisory labels that side sleeping on mattresses softer than extra firm harms backs.

Provide federal funds to make medical field faculty pay competitive with private sector pay.

Prohibit the addition of phosphorus to corporation manufactured processed foods.

Require post-secondary schools to increase the ratio of medical field students to faculty.

Implement these pathogen testing policies.

Require each new adult size bed sold in the US to have at least one open end, so legs may hang off.

Mail at least 14 reusable KF94 or N95 masks to each United States citizen above the age of eight.

Make 80 years hard labor the mandatory minimum sentence for individuals trying to creating new pandemic pathogens or reviving pandemic pathogens from the past.

Ban food advertising, except by food retailers owning or renting fewer than 14 buildings. Prohibit all radio and television food advertising.

Prohibit the importation of medical use masks from China.

Prohibit private and government funding for any virologist or related scientist and their research, who has made public claims supporting pathogen gain of function research or made public claims defending the so-called right of scientists to pursue research with negative ethical expected values.

Eli Dourado and Joanne Peng: "areas that the NIA could invest in include building tools for understanding molecular mechanisms of aging, establishing and validating aging biomarkers, and funding more early-stage clinical trials for promising drugs."

Ban human hospitals and medical clinics from being owned by for profit entities.

Ban alcohol and tobacco advertising. Prohibit the sale, manufacture, and importation of tobacco products containing more than 0.3 percent nicotine by mass.

Prohibit states and local governments from banning mask mandates of building owners and managers.

Test more cancer drugs on humans, including many that failed on mice.

Prohibit snowboarding, Alpine skiing, mountain climbing, and rock climbing for individuals under age 18. 

Require approved helmet wearing by participants at snowboarding, Alpine skiing, mountain climbing, and rock climbing facilities.

Prohibit for-profit dentistry services by businesses and individuals unlicensed to perform those services, including veneer tech services.

Terminate FDA drug export license requirements. Prohibit patents on new medical treatments longer than two syllables and 13 letters.

Shift funding from failed dementia strategies to studying, preventing, and reversing cellular aging.

Prohibit medical providers from prescribing aspirin for arthritis and joint injuries.

Require landlords, by dates of move in, to provide properly working carbon monoxide alarms in rental properties containing landlord provided fuel burning appliances.

Pass the PASTEUR Act. Create a $100 million prize for each completely new antibiotic developed and manufactured in the US, approved by the FDA, medically successful for at least 5 years.

Prohibit current and former FTC, SEC, DOJ, FDA, and OSHA employees earning or previously earning annual government salaries greater than the median annual household income from receiving total remuneration greater than the median annual household income per year from all non-governmental entities combined. 

Prohibit former corporate executives and managers from being employed by the FTC, SEC, FDA, OSHA, and Antitrust Division.

Prohibit physical obstruction of legal health and other legal humanitarian services.

Treat deliberate, politically motivated misuse or overuse of legal health and other legal humanitarian services as terrorism.

Ban public funding of surgical treatments for TMD.

Require human hospitals to report causes of deaths statistics.

Require public school meals to provide at least 94 percent of their calories from plants, to deliver at least 2.8 grams of fiber per 100 calories, contain fewer than 30 percent of their calories from refined carbohydrates, and fewer than 2.1 grams of sugars per 100 calories.

Revoke FDA approval of Aducanumab.
Revoke FDA approval of Kisunla.

Goodman and Musgrave: Require cost estimates prior to any medical service over $160, except in cases where the patient or their representatives are not fit to respond and the patient needs immediate care.

Offer and recommend bird flu vaccines to livestock workers.

Ban licensing of new US physicians having medical degrees from outside the United States, Japan, Taiwan, Grenada, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, and NATO nations.

Ban government funded knee replacement surgeries in individuals above the age of 77.

Create a mandatory minimum $800 fine and 90 hours community service punishment for communicating a medical treatment related threat to a pet or human medical treatment provider.

Prohibit industry royalty payments to individual government employed researchers, including payments through friends and relatives, for government-sponsored research.

Require packages of N95 masks to include instructions for effective reuse.

Require elected officials and political appointees above age 61 to make their health records public or resign.

Ban pharmaceutical manufacturers and middlemen from charging more than 60 percent more than the costs of manufacturing, distributing, and insuring non-patent pharmaceuticals.

Ban limited liability protections for corporations selling alternative medicine products and or performing alternative medicine procedures, including non-vitamin, non-mineral supplements, for alternative medicine relevant harms caused.

Prohibit hospice care entities from having mean after-tax profit margins greater than 6.8 percent. Prohibit hospice care entities from giving anyone more than $180,000 per year in all remuneration. Prohibit any entity from owning more than one hospice care entity. Prohibit hospice care entities from receiving government funding if more than 13 percent of their patients over the past two years live more than six months. Prohibit physicians referring patients to hospice care from receiving more than $16 per year from hospice care entities. Prohibit family members from receiving remuneration from any hospice entity they have a first degree relative in. Create a lifetime hard labor mandatory minimum sentence for murdering hospice patients.

Require all businesses developing and or manufacturing pharmaceuticals to be sole proprietorships and or have the same legal liabilities as sole proprietorships, the same for businesses owning pharmaceutical intellectual properties.

Prohibit states and local governments from banning FDA approved vaccines.

In government funded studies having p-values and sample sizes, require sample sizes and p-values within the first three sentences of abstracts and introductions.

Require public publication of every drug prescribed to judges, generals, admirals, presidents, governors, and legislators.

Streamline processes for mental health treatments, for example, permit physicians assistants and nurse practitioners to prescribe same dose mental health medications to individuals successfully on medications for at least five months.

Prohibit manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer pharmaceutical and medical device prices greater than 15 percent more than the mean of other NATO countries.

Pass the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2016. 

Prohibit the over-the-counter sale of phenylephrine.

Ban the insertion of stents for chest pain.

Ban government paid shoulder impingement surgeries and functional endoscopic sinus surgeries.

Prohibit the sale of new SUVs and pickups having hood heights greater than 39 inches.

Require professional sports entities and intercollegiate sports having post-secondary schools to pay for any disability payments sent to former professional and intercollegiate athletes for injuries sustained or aggravated by participation in professional or intercollegiate sports.

For each dollar the median US patient's monthly supply of a pharmaceutical for a chronic illness exceeds both $40 for payees and three times its production costs, reduce relevant intellectual property rights 30 days.

Approve the over-the-counter sale of female oral contraceptives. Prohibit abortion parental consent laws.

Permit the over-the-counter sale of adjustable arch hard orthotics.

Prohibit cosmetic butt, breast, and penile implant procedures.

Require livestock and veterinary workers to receive covid, pneumonia, seasonal flu, and bird flu vaccines when available.

Prohibit disability claims and compensation for emotional trauma.

Gradually increase the percentage of well run phase II and phase III trials done by Federal entities having no medical conflicts of interests.

Ban all homeopathic medications and supplements.

Prohibit medical and social science researchers and sponsors from hiding study procedures and results, except for House approved national security reasons.

Require licenses and a minimum age of 16 to operate motorized vehicles having motor assisted top speeds above 20 mph on public roads. Prohibit such vehicles from operating on public sidewalks, except to cross sidewalks.

Prohibit individuals under 18 from being passengers on motor assisted, top speed above 20 mph eBikes, motorcycles, and tricycles.

Prohibit anyone from deliberately disabling another individual because the other individual seeks to self-identify as disabled.

Require bicycle, tricycle, and motorcycle operator and passenger helmet wearing on public roads.

Give FDA approval for the sale of pharmaceuticals and other medical treatments approved in the majority of Northwestern European countries, along with preventative therapies, except medical therapies and treatments for changing ethics related acts and beliefs.

Ban government in vitro fertilization funding for women above age 39.

Prohibit any individual having both a prior violent crime conviction and clinically diagnosed schizophrenia from living in any household possessing firearms.

Prohibit so-called recovered memory therapy, revoking licenses of psychology field workers practicing it.

Pass the Pharmacists Fight Back Act, limiting the power of destructive middlemen.

Ban billing patients for psychoanalytic therapies. Ban government funded psychoanalytic therapies. Ban government funded psychoanalytic research and education. Ban government funding and billing of patients for therapies promoting nurture assumptions.

Ban patents on treatment delivery methods.

Implement these pharmacy benefit manager reforms.

Conduct additional safety studies on Belviq, a weight loss drug removed from sale in the US.

Require random and stealthy inspections by the FDA, at least once per year, of all facilities where drugs for the US market are tested or manufactured. Ban facilities and their executives from United States medical markets for repeated or systemic fraud. Reject any private medical study from foreign facilities with rates of positive efficacy results higher than the 70th percentile of similar U.S. facilities.

JT Fournier, last updated June 9, 2024

Financial Policy Recommendations

Choose overall ethical benefit maximizing monetary policies.

Prohibit the issuance of state and federal waivers for health, labor, safety, and financial regulations, except when those waivers have been approved by majorities of relevant legislatures or voters.

Require all lenders to obtain, directly from the IRS, the prior three years tax transcripts for loan applicants on loans exceeding $24,000. Require transcript communication by non-forgeable methods. Repeal laws prohibiting lenders from obtaining those transcripts.

Require regulators to take a daily oath to regulate according to the law. Fire and replace regulators who refuse to regulate according to law. End all FBI, regulator, and other law enforcement partnerships with lobbyists, financiers, and corporations.

Make executives and proprietors criminally liable for repeated wage theft.

Require mandatory credit counseling before individuals declare bankruptcy. Require individuals with larger incomes and larger assets to repay more of what they owe when filing for bankruptcy.

Per Peter Swire and as Daniel Prieto notes: institute "a $50 cap and automatic dispute resolution for identity theft losses, similar to the basic anti-fraud provisions for credit cards."

Centralize federal financial regulators and regulations in one agency under control of an elected attorney general, with oversight by the House to prevent corruption driven hiring and firing. At least triple the number of financial regulators and investigators.

Limit financial institutions to thirteen-to-one leverage ratios in bad times and eight-to-one ratios in good times.

Require regulations applying to one financial instrument to apply to all similar instruments, regardless whether labels differ. Create new transparency rules.

Turn government-supported financial enterprises into nonprofit government agencies, then slowly break them up and sell them or kill them.

Charge banking entities having more than $960 million in deposits or 0.19 percent of national deposits an additional $22 of deposit insurance per year, per each $1000 in balances, counting all entities with their parent entities.

Strengthen SEC disclosure rules and enforcement.

Implement some of the prescriptions here.

Permit bankruptcy courts to alter home mortgage terms. Prohibit mortgage lenders from repackaging loans. Eliminate FHA housing insurance.

Require publicly traded entities having assets greater than $11 million or gross receipts greater than $15 million per year to make their tax returns public.

Require high school and vocational school students to receive at least 20 hours of morally risk-neutral personal finance education and require high schools to provide such.

Ban new home mortgage loans exceeding 8.5 times the local median annual household income. Ban new non-business motor vehicle loans exceeding $41,000. Prohibit new for-profit loans exceeding $11,000 to individuals under age 29, except mortgage loans, business loans, and loans recommended on this site.

Prohibit financial bailouts of corporations not getting equivalent or greater market rate equity in return. Unwind bankrupt financial entities with no compensation given to equity owners. Unwind too big to fail businesses. Prevent investment banks from having limited liability protections. Prohibit the federal government from suing states and local governments to protect predatory financial entities.

Prohibit U.S. banks from doing business with shell banks or businesses involved in money laundering. Enact sanctions on nations cavalier about banks doing business with shell banks or businesses heavily into money laundering.

Support international efforts to reduce money-laundering, tax evasion, and rogue banking. (Rich criminals say it would violate their right to privacy. Too bad. Their right to criminal privacy is outweighed by the rights of others to protection from crime and by the benefit created by preventing parasites from profiting. Almost no one complains that the government has access to the financial records of ordinary wage earners, individuals who cannot afford battalions of lawyers to defend themselves. Yet financial criminals expect special privileges to do harm.)

Repeal the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Commodity Futures Modernization Act, and legal elements of the National Home Ownership Strategy. Prohibit entities participating in offshore futures trading from importing into the U.S.

Require states, Washington DC, and territories having populations greater than 40,000 to appoint mortgage regulators.

Ban government contracting with inverted corporations, including when it conflicts with trade agreements. Ban federal contracts with entities requiring employees to sign mandatory arbitration containing contracts.

Adopt the EU credit card and debit card caps on interchange fees.

Require credit card entities to give customers at least 23 days to make a payment before adding late fees. Ban credit cards offering more than $28,000 in credit.

Prohibit credit issuing entities from charging interest exceeding the inflation rate plus five percentage points. 

Pass H.R. 3221, banning federal contracting with companies engaging in fraudulent practices.

Increase funding for and the number of investigators at the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network by at least 60 percent.

Pass most of these anti-money laundering proposals.

Ban naked short selling. 

Ban securitization, also known as pooling and selling loans, except in specific cases ordered by bankruptcy judges or Congressional majorities.

Require banking entities to publicly list all assets and liabilities.

Pass a law permitting the treasury secretary to implement efficient, thorough capital controls to slash the trade deficit when the harms from trade deficits become excessive.

Pressure giant banks to break up per Dean Baker: "banks would be given sliding targets, say an asset cap of $1 trillion in three years, $600 billion in five years, and $200 billion in ten years. They would face large and growing fines on the amount of assets they held in excess of these caps... after three years they could face a penalty of 1 cent for every dollar in assets they held in excess of $1 trillion. This means that if JP Morgan still has a level of assets near its $1.6 trillion current level after the first deadline it would pay $6 billion a year in penalties. The penalty could rise to 1.5 cents on the dollars for assets over $1 trillion at the point where the $600 billion ceiling took effect. In that case, they would be paying a penalty of 1.5 cents on their assets above $1 trillion and 1 cent on their assets between $600 billion and $1 trillion."

Require annual remuneration above nine times median annual family income at any publicly traded corporation to be severely restricted stock, with only five percent transferable per year.

Ban FDIC, SIPC, and NCUA insurances for foreign entities and foreign owned US entities.

William Greider: "Restore the boundaries between commercial banking and investment banking... [a]ssign the Federal Reserve's regulatory role to a new public agency that is visible and politically accountable." Prohibit all proprietary trading by all commercial banks and credit unions.

Robert Reich: "Credit-rating agencies should no longer be paid by the companies whose issues are being rated; they should be paid by those who use their ratings... investors like pension funds and mutual funds should not be getting investment advice from the same banks that profit off their investments; the advice should come from sources without a financial stake... investment banks [must] return to being partnerships and the capital on their books be their own, not yours or your pension fund's."

Prohibit individuals convicted of financial crimes from working in  financial industries again. Prohibit executives from bailed out financial businesses from working in financial industries again.

Regulate derivatives at least as strongly as stocks. Prohibit government insured entities from buying and selling derivatives. Ban capital relief trades using derivatives. Prohibit government entities from bailing out derivative trading and holding entities.

Prohibit for-profit loan originators from providing insurance for such loans.

Ban loan making entities from giving loans to their managers and or employees earning more than the median household income per year.

Ban entities receiving government loans, bailouts, and or tax entitlements from giving bonuses.

Ban the creation and sale of new credit default swaps, collateralized debt obligations, and other mortgage-backed securities. Prohibit entities with more than $400 million in assets or deposits from owning existing mortgage-backed securities.

Ban dark pools.

Prohibit entities failing to pay Finra ordered arbitration awards from financial industry activities, including through relatives and other intermediaries, except savings accounts.

Create a new Pecora Commission to investigate and prosecute high-cost financial crimes. Ban leveraged buyouts. Strictly regulate futures contracts in industries where cartels, monopolies, or oligopolies exist.

Pass the Ending Too Big to Jail Act and Corporate Executive Accountability Act.

Pass the Nondebtor Release Prohibition Act of 2021.

Prohibit banks and government entities from lending to other entities for those other entities' purposes of investing in bonds, futures, equities, and or derivatives.

Treat corporate board members as corporate employees for regulatory purposes.

Willem Buiter: "Regulate all systemically important highly leveraged financial enterprises, whatever they call themselves: commercial bank, investment bank, universal bank, hedge fund, SIV, CDO, private equity fund or bicycle repair shop... all systemically important financial infrastructure or plumbing: payment, clearing, settlement systems, mechanisms and platforms, and the associated provision of custodial services... on a cross-border basis. Anything that is not explicitly allowed is forbidden. To get a new instrument or new institution approved, there will have to be testing, scrutiny by regulators... and other... parties, and pilot projects... once a new instrument or institution has been approved, it is only available ‘with a prescription'. For instance, only professional counter-parties rather than the general public could be permitted."

Prohibit credit and debit card providers, along with payment services, from collecting personal information beyond defaults, incomes, addresses, bankruptcies, phone numbers, credit scores, contact emails, late payments, missed payments, and criminal convictions.

Prohibit the issuance of any home mortgage having monthly payments larger than 28 percent of a buyer's mean monthly gross income.

Permit the elected Central Bank chairperson to make Central Bank appointments and firings with Central Bank inspector general approval. Require the Central Bank to have an independent inspector general. Prohibit current and or former financial industry executives from having regulatory and or supervisory positions at the central bank. Require the Central Bank to reveal information about all loans it makes. Provide for the impeachment of the Central Bank chairperson by 65 percent Congressional vote.

Let bankruptcy judges decide which parties should be paid and how much when distributing bankruptcy assets.

Prohibit government insured entities from paying any individual more than six times the median annual household income in all forms of annual remuneration.

Prohibit government entities from making secret grants, loans, gifts, and remuneration, except for well-reasoned intelligence agency and Department of Defense activities. Require reporting of spending on such activities to relevant inspectors general and other relevant oversight entities.

Prohibit federally insured financial entities from making or selling any financial instruments other than loans and their own stocks.

Ban anyone from being an executive and or board member at more than one government insured business at the same time.

Require 50 percent deferral of corporate executive remuneration above 160,000 dollars per year for at least 9 years, paying relevant corporate criminal fines and or health, labor, safety, financial or environmental civil judgments from the deferred pay when such wrongful activities occurred during the executives' tenures in charge, except when the executives exhibited swiftness in stopping ongoing wrongful activities during their first 60 days in charge.

Prohibit government loans lasting longer than 60 days to financial entities.

Eliminate waivers for fraud and abuse.

Prohibit financial industry loans for weddings, vacations, honeymoons, pleasure boats, and racing motor vehicles.

Improve the Sherman Act, including eliminating the maximum penalty rule.

Prohibit judges from applying less stringent foreign financial laws.

Cancel tax treaties with countries not providing tax query information. Prohibit US banks from doing business with entities in countries aiding tax evasion by US citizens.

Eliminate the Enron loophole and other rules exempting trading from regulations.

Require credit scores in free credit reports.

Repeal the misnamed JOBS Act.

Ban mergers and acquisitions at any business receiving bailouts or tax entitlements. Ban government bailouts of any business exceeding the trading value of the business without government taking 100 percent ownership, then reselling later or running as government-owned, privately run. Ban any entity receiving government bailouts or tax entitlements from paying any employee more than five times the median annual household income per year in all forms of annual remuneration, except physicians in non-executive positions. 

Pass the Specter Amendment altering the Exchange Act, allowing anti-fraud actions against enablers of fraud.

Require creditors to resell foreclosed houses within 60 days of foreclosures to individuals using the homes as their primary residences. Fine creditors $240 per day each day after 60 the homes remain unsold.

Ban trusts and pension instruments from investing in foreign debts. Ban US government entities from insuring and or bailing out foreign businesses, multinational businesses, and foreign government debts.

Ban any bailouts or government insurances for corporations currently or previously holding or trading crypto fake currencies. Ban any bailouts or government insurances for financial entities currently or previously providing or withholding financial services from citizens based on the political beliefs of such citizens, reducing the likelihood of corruption resulting from politicians and businesses tacitly trading government money for political partisanship.

Ban any individual and or business having majority ownership of a business filing for bankruptcy from having majority ownership of any other business forever.

Ban pension funds from investing in foreign, multinational, and or private equity firms.

Ban any chief decision maker of a business filing for bankruptcy from being chief decision maker for any other business forever.

Ban any individual applying for personal bankruptcy from being chief decision maker for any business forever.

Ban any individual applying for personal bankruptcy from being majority owner of any business forever.

Eliminate Federal agency policy statements contradicting antitrust laws.

Prohibit donations to charities affiliated with current or former Federal elected officials or political appointees and or military officers above O-4 by corporations, foreign entities, and multinational entities.

Make lifetime hard labor the recommended sentence for control fraud exceeding $240,000. Fine those convicted of identity theft tax fraud $200,000 plus any fraudulently obtained funds.

Ban all forms of credit risk insurance for corporations.

Ban endowments and pension funds from investing in private-equity. Ban pension funds from investing in foreign and multinational entities. Ban individuals handling pension investments from earning more than twice the median annual household income per year. Ban government entities from pre-funding government worker pensions. Ban labor unions from having investments, except credit union savings and checking accounts, plus real estate they perform union work from. Require labor union donations to political entities be approved buy a majority of union members.

Make recusals for financial and or relationship conflicts of interest mandatory for judges and investigators, enforced by an independent Federal entity.

Require executives of foreign companies traded in the United States to follow domestic disclosure rules.

Prohibit executives and board members from selling their stocks in their corporations until at least 1,500 days after leaving their corporations.

Require most banks and credit unions to provide FedNow services to their financial law abiding US citizen customers having sufficient funds in their accounts and accurate identification.

Increase the Department of Justice's antitrust division enforcement employment by at least 960 individuals, along with an adequate budget. Increase the FTC budget and employment by at least 350 percent.

Enact most of these banking reforms.

Prohibit anyone ever employed in the software, advertising, financial, lobbying or multi-level marketing industries from serving as legally binding arbitrators.

Per Matt Stoller, revoke some executive orders concerning the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Savvy Emailer: "Make it illegal for financial institutions to transact off balance sheet."

Prohibit former government employed lawyers from working for firms representing financial crime defendants.

Require all financial entities operating in the United States to follow regulations at least as strict as US regulations everywhere in the world they undertake financial transactions, including non-parent businesses. Require such entities to permit US regulators to access and evaluate their trading information.

Require corporations to incorporate with the federal government. Nullify state incorporations.

Require parent entities to have civil and criminal liability for crimes and harms committed by shell companies.

Prohibit anything from taking out a life insurance policy on an individual without that individual's knowledge. Prohibit corporations from taking out life insurance policies on individuals unless those individuals' first degree relatives are the main beneficiaries.

Hand Central Bank and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency regulatory duties to the FDIC and other government entities. Increase regulatory funding and regulator employment. Eliminate the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

Place a $440,000 cap on executive lawsuits against companies.

Prohibit current or former executives at for-profit banks and or private equity firms from being employed by the Central Bank. Prohibit former Central Bank employees from working for for-profit banks and or private equity firms.

Require selection of board members for publicly traded companies by shareholders in proportion to shares held, excluding shareholders with shares below a federally mandated level. Ban the top two executives from voting. Require a re-election of top executives at publicly traded companies by board members any time a majority of board members request such.

Ban anyone having a remuneration receiving position with a for-profit financial company from concurrently working for any government regulating entity.

Ban judges and federal elected officials, along with their spouses and first degree relatives, from owning income earning financial instruments, except checking accounts and savings accounts and their residential real estate.

Amend laws to not include maximum punishments for financial crimes causing greater than $200,000 in harms.

Pass HR 5912, prohibiting the industrial loan company loophole.

Ban payment for order flow.

Pass the Securities and Exchange Commission Real Estate Leasing Authority Revocation Act.

Ban rent-to-own and similar schemes.

Require foreign and multinational entities operating in the United States to obey US financial regulations everywhere they operate, including laws not currently enforced.

Enact these antitrust reforms.

Permit states to establish public banks or credit unions roughly modeled on the Bank of North Dakota, to maximize beneficence to citizens.

Ban capital appreciation bonds.

Bill Black: hire 1,000 more FBI white collar crime agents. Have them focus on major financial crimes.

Require punishments for white collar repeat convictions to be greater than previous punishments for similar crimes.

Ban any government entity from obtaining and paying any financial instrument with interest rates greater than four nominal points above the inflation rate.

Prohibit the financial industry from making appointments to the central bank.

Ban government sponsored and or appointed entities from giving secret loans, grants, bailouts, and redistributions, except for Department of Defense research and development, along with other military activities during US declared wars.

Require appointment of Central Bank inspectors general by Congress. Require appointment of bank examiners by the head of the Central Bank, making bank examiners federal employees.

Implement some of Overcoming Short-termism.

Require mergers and or acquisitions to honor the debts and pension obligations of both entities. 

Require Antitrust Division and House majority approvals for national or regional mergers and or acquisitions creating Herfindahl Indexes greater than 0.18 and or increases in Herfindahl Indexes by greater than 0.01.

Require the largest competitor having a book value greater than $40 million in a national or regional market having a Herfindahl Index greater than 0.18 to break up unless receiving permission from the Antitrust Division and a House majority to operate at a Herfindahl index above 0.18. Continue breaking up the next largest competitors until the Herfindahl Index drops below 0.18. Require competitors permitted to operate at an index greater than 0.18 to meet some well-reasoned requirements of public utilities.

Ban any entity seeking bankruptcy protection from giving renumeration to any individual employee and or contractor, except physicians, exceeding $160 thousand per annum from the time of filing.

Ban private entities from making appointments to government oversight and law enforcement entities.

Eliminate the carried interest loophole.

Ban any contract requiring individuals to waive fiduciary and or other ethical duties. Reinstate the full financial fiduciary rule.

Repeal the misnamed Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act.

Pass the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act and the 21st Century Antitrust Act.

Ban all loan making corporations and government entities from giving weight to religious and or ethnoracial considerations in making loans.

Pass the Accountable Capitalism Act.

Prohibit dividends to managers during the first four years following a buyout.

Prohibit government contracts with foreign and or multinational entities having convictions anywhere exceeding five days incarceration and or $25,000 in fines.

Ban anyone, who received remuneration greater than twice the median annual household income in any year from sports, defense, finance, media, telecom, gaming, insurance, tobacco, lobbying, auditing, pharmaceutical, fossil fuel or real estate businesses, from government jobs paying more per year than the median annual household income, except in medical fields.

Implement most of these auditing reforms.

Ban for profit pharmacy benefit managers.

Ban investment advisers from advising entities to invest in private equity. Require all entities with private equity like structures to be regulated at least as strictly as investment banks.

Amend laws prohibiting government co-owners of businesses from having voting power to give government voting power in proportion to ownership percentages.

Ban current and former financial industry executives from financial regulatory positions. Prohibit legal credentials holding employees of the Federal Trade Commission and the DOJ Antitrust Division from owning income earning financial instruments, except checking accounts and savings accounts and their residential real estate.

Require withdrawal of trust funds to pay the debts of grantors unable or unwilling to pay their debts.

Ban any individual who accepted more than $2,000 for any speaking engagement from elected public offices and political appointments.

Prohibit any for-profit entity owned by other entities from receiving loans from those owning entities.

Require Congressional majority approval of Central Bank emergency lending exceeding 1.5 billion dollars.

Ban the ownership of older than four-year-old single and twin unit housing by for profit corporations, except FDIC insured banks.

Prohibit government entities from contracting with entities owned by private equity firms.

Pass the IRS Whistleblower Program Improvement Act of 2021.

Ban ownership of older than 20-year-old multi-unit housing by out of state corporations.

KJ Boyle: create and sufficiently fund a Department of Justice anti-price fixing division.

Grant the Commodity Futures Trading Commission request for a 13 percent increase in funding. Strike Footnote 563 from the July 26th, 2013 CFTC guidance and policy statement.

Enact some policies from here.

Ban new non-recourse loans exceeding $2.5 million to individuals and to businesses having any executive receiving more than $2.6 million per year in all remuneration. Ban businesses owing money on loans greater than $4.2 million from increasing executive remuneration at rates greater than the inflation rate.

Ban regulators and other law enforcement entities from offering plea bargain fines and other settlements for less than 150 percent of financial harms caused.

Repeal the Community Reinvestment Act.

Prohibit non-individual pension funds from investing in financial instruments other than domestic index funds, US Federal bonds, and domestic savings accounts.

Pass the Credit Card Competition Act of 2022.

Prohibit the hiring of regulators, who previously received remuneration from entities subject to regulation by the would-be regulators, except for teaching how to catch crooked tricks roles.

Prohibit current and former regulators from receiving remuneration from entities regulated by the current and former regulators' government agencies.

Prohibit any entity having more than 1.5 percent foreign ownership from receiving US tax entitlements. Prohibit any entity having more than 1.5 percent foreign ownership from receiving bailouts from US government entities.

Prohibit current and former pension fund managers from receiving gifts or remuneration from financial entities other than their managed pension funds, plus their savings and checking accounts, the same for union managers.

Repeal the misnamed Pension Protection Act and Section 209 of the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996.

Prohibit states from having weaker financial regulations than federal financial regulations. Permit states to have stricter financial regulations than federal financial regulations.

Require government law enforcement entities to hire, employ, and pay public corporation auditors, perform the audits, then require the corporations audited to reimburse government entities for auditing costs.

Prohibit 401(k) accounts from investing, except in index funds, savings accounts, and the highest grade bonds.

Amend laws specifying maximum fines for financial crimes to have no maximum.

Create claw back laws and rules for every industry having executives capable of financial crimes.

Implement Francine McKenna's auditing reforms.

Require all foreign and multinational corporations selling financial instruments in the United States to comply with US auditing and financial rules unless following stricter foreign rules.

Ban stock options for corporate executives remunerated more than twice the median household income per year.

Prohibit financial regulators fired for failing to regulate according to laws from future government employment and from receiving gifts and or any form of remuneration from financial industry entities.

Prohibit current and former financial regulators from receiving gifts and or any form of remuneration from financial industry entities.

Repeal Rule 10b-18. Prohibit open-market stock buybacks.

Prohibit special purpose acquisition companies.

Require at least 10.5 percent down payments on home, auto, and or business loans exceeding $24,000.

Ban central bank employees earning more than the median annual household income per year from owning income earning financial instruments other than checking accounts, savings accounts, and their residential real estate.

Prohibit directors of businesses filing for bankruptcy from being partners, sole owners, board members, and or top executives of corporations in the future.

Prohibit any non-federal product from being labeled as currency.

Ban anonymously owned businesses from financial transactions with US entities.

Prohibit businesses from making loans to employees and contractors, including Form 1099 recipients.

Ban private equity entities from buying existing businesses, nonprofits, and residential properties.

Pass the ENABLERS Act, requiring broader reporting of international money laundering. Pass S.3316, a bill to help anti-money laundering whistleblowers. Expand whistleblowing protections and awards to cover all government entities involved in financial regulations.

Require financial criminal laws to require a preponderance of evidence of intent rather than proof beyond a reasonable doubt, including intent to be negligent.

Promote interagency sharing of probable financial crime information.

Enact more anti-money laundering policies.

Increase the cap on the Commodities Futures Trading Commission's whistleblower fund.

Prohibit any producer or wholesaler from giving rebates to retailers and retail purchasing employees.

Require stress tests to check for low probability, high harm outcomes.

Freeze assets of nations or their citizens when those nations refuse to extradite individuals likely guilty of US financial crimes exceeding $600,000 in harms.

Prohibit the transfer of assets from US entities to tax haven entities, including through middlemen.

Prohibit entities registered in tax havens from conducting business activities with US entities.

Pass the State Antitrust Enforcement Venue Act.

Ban the central bank from buying stocks and bonds, except US treasury securities and from manufacturing companies having all employees working in the United States.

Pass a federal law against perpetuities.

Seize up to four times the financial harms done available assets from non-arrestable, non-extraditable individuals having US financial crime arrest warrants or unpaid US civil judgments or unpaid US civil settlements.

Ban the FDIC and NCUA from insuring anything other than customer savings and checking accounts of US dollars.

Increase the maximum FDIC insurance for banking to 900 million dollars at a new basic services US Postal Bank and or new basic services Central Bank, adhering to the economic and regulatory prescriptions on this blog at a minimum. Prohibit bailing out depositors' deposits above $250,000, failing to take advantage of these new banks or methods of dispersing deposits.

Prohibit financial industry executive
remuneration packages incentivizing more risky than risk neutral behavior. 

Pass a law similar to the UK's Insolvency Act 1986, banning business directors from trading while their businesses are insolvent, making business directors personally liable for violations.

Create strict mandatory minimum punishments for risk reckless bank owners and employees. Prohibit e
lobbying entities from participation in government insurance programs.

Pass the Merger Filing Fee Modernization Act.

Amend the Uniform Securities Act to remove civil liability exemptions for relevant accessory actors.

Prohibit states and local governments from borrowing money using financial instruments having interest rates above the inflation rate. Prohibit states and local governments from paying any financial instrument fees, except outstanding balances and inflation rate interest.

Ban limited liability protections for lobbying and private equity firms.

Ban limited liability protections for non-manufacturing corporations having market caps greater than 22 billion dollars, defining manufacturing to include non-fossil fuel energy companies but exclude companies having more than four percent of their sales and or profits from media and or software.

Do not require evidence of motives and or cooperation for antitrust and other financial crime convictions.

Prohibit banks and credit unions from seizing funds in accounts they declare dormant.

Create a failed home mortgage right to rent. Permit employed foreclosed on or falling behind on payments homeowners to pay market rate rents by automatic payroll deduction, to remain living in those homes.

Ban individuals having net worths under two times the median annual household income from buying stocks and bonds, except index funds.

Ban the sale and transfer of unregulated securities.

Pass the Safe Access to Cash Act of 2022.

Pass the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021 and the Investor Choice Act of 2021.

Give state and local governments $6.50 per citizen, per year exclusively for state and local government initiated antitrust and other anti-financial crime legal actions against corporations having book values greater than $20 million. Legalize antitrust lawsuits by local governments.

Prohibit business directors' insurance.

Eliminate all so-called home ownership society and so-called anti-red lining laws, rules, orders, and guidelines. Such policies multiply fraud, housing tumors, financial collapses, unpayable debts, environmental damage, and other harms, along with causing recessions and making recessions worse.

Repeal laws and parts of laws aiding kickbacks, monopolies, oligopolies, and or parasitic middlemen.

Ban quantitative easing, except to purchase US Treasury securities.

Bryce Tuttle: "The FTC and Department of Justice... should issue a policy statement declaring the [antitrust] labor exemption covers independent contractors... treated like workers, rather than like independent business people, by the company that hired them."

Prohibit US citizens having greater than $2,000 in debts from renouncing their US citizenships.

Prohibit hiding and shielding assets with relatives and other entities. Make such funds recoverable by civil and or criminal proceedings.

Prohibit Amerindian groups from violating state, local, and Federal regulations, including usury and gambling regulations.

Prohibit the central bank from paying fees and or interest to corporations and or corporate executives.

Prohibit non-citizens and dual citizens living in the US from acquiring and or applying for loans and credit cards. 

Prohibit loan and credit card originators from giving loans and credit cards to non-citizens and dual citizens living in the US.

Experiment with Iowa's title guarantee program nationwide, banning commercial title insurance.

Ban so-called opportunity zones.

Charles Calamaris and Henry Kaufman: prohibit "hold-till-maturity book value accounting for securities." Prohibit central banks from valuing collateral at inflated values. Use SRISK measures in regulations.

Require banks and credit unions having greater than $90 million in assets and or liabilities to issue public, bimonthly reports listing assets and liabilities.

Pass the Failed Bank Executives Clawback Act.

On this website, entity shall be defined as any person or group or organization.

Mark Flannery and Enrico Perotti: require banks to have market triggered contingent convertible bond buffers "at high threshold values to maintain risk incentives even when leverage increases, thus helping to overcome the risk of regulatory delay."

JT Fournier, last updated July 3, 2024

Freedom Policy Recommendations

Restore habeas corpus for those detained by the government and its subcontractors. Repeal the Military Commissions Act and 2006 Defense Authorization Act. Eliminate the Department of Homeland Security, devolving any beneficial functions to other entities.

Pass the Federal Agency Data Mining Reporting Act of 2007, Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2007, Congressional Lawmaking Authority Protection Act of 2007, Preserving United States Attorney Independence Act of 2007, American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007, Guantánamo Bay, Cuba Detention Center Closure Act of 2007, Military Commissions Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007, Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007, National Security Letters Reform Act of 2007, State Secrets Protection Act, National Security with Justice Act of 2007, Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 2007, Open Government Act of 2007, Openness Promotes Effectiveness in our National Government Act (OPEN) Government Act of 2007, Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, Whistleblower Protection Bill, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Modernization Act of 2007, RESTORE Act of 2007 (Responsible Electronic Surveillance that is Overseen, Reviewed and Effective Act), Executive Branch Accountability Act of 2009, OPEN FOIA Act of 2009, FISA Amendments Act of 2009, National Security Letters Reform ACT of 2009, State Secrets Protection Act, Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Protection Act of 2009, and NSA Oversight Act. 

Amend laws to eliminate contradictions in the directions of increased real beneficence and self-determination, not assertions of evidence-free rules and evidence-free beneficence.

Repeal the USA Patriot Act.

Repeal the National Defense Authorization Acts of 2011 and 2013.

Repeal the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

Permit property owners and renters to audio and video record without consent almost everywhere on their own and rented properties, except bathrooms, bedrooms, shower rooms, and changing rooms.

Allow private companies and individuals to deliver all forms of mail.

Require at least 20 percent of calories handed out by government funded food banks to be from legumes, not including sweet peas, green beans, and yellow split peas.

Prohibit sales, excise, advertising, and value-added taxes on fans, vents, seeds,  condoms, legumes, diapers, pacifiers, insulation, toothbrushes, N95 masks, dental floss, hand grips, child care, wrist weights, boric acid, interior paints, exterior paints, plumbing equipment, roofing materials, building siding materials, building wiring materials, residential rents, exercise bands, exercise tubes, nicotine gum, hard orthotics, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, fallout shelters, car seats, cribs, bassinets, jumpers, baby gates, highchairs, breast pumps, nursing pads, infant formula, baby bottles, rechargeable batteries, adjustable seat stationary bicycles, replacement windows, lead-free ammunition, door security devices, window security devices, prescription eyeglasses, insulation installations, air filtration equipment, non-motorized yard and garden equipment, menstrual hygiene products, psyllium husk fiber, prescription medical devices, used goods sold by non-corporations and not subject to negative externality taxes, commercial rents under $5,000 per month, greater than $10,000 industrial machinery, new tires when an identical number of old tires have been returned for proper disposal, unprepared and prepared foods containing fewer than 12 percent of their calories from meat and harmful carbs, greater than 29 SPF sunscreens, greater than 98 percent of UV blocking window tinting, greater than 99 percent of UV blocking glasses, greater than 98 percent of UV blocking hats larger than two square feet, Aeron style or better chairs under $800, athletic shoes under $80, along with cob, mudbrick, earthbag, earthship, straw bale, earth block, rammed earth, and fiberglass building materials.

Eliminate federal grants to local government entities failing to reign in  non-farm crowing roosters and barking outdoor dogs.
Prohibit sales, excise, and value-added taxes on medically beneficial services and medically beneficial pharmaceuticals under 50 cents per dose.

Ban government entities from requiring funeral directors after deaths. Ban government entities from requiring cremations or burials of miscarriages and aborted fetuses. Ban government entities from requiring burial caskets. Ban government entities from requiring that ocean scattered cremated remains be scattered any specific distance from shore. Ban government entities from banning home property burials, provided next-of-kin sign legal statements agreeing that they have no legal rights to visit the burial sites should the property be obtained by entities not willing to grant access. Ban cemeteries from requiring customers to buy markers or headstones from only them.

Repeal the Passenger Vessels Services Act.

Ban government entities from purchasing advertising on media entities containing political content.

Prohibit child support requirements from non-biological and non-legally adopted alleged parents of children. Permit anyone accused of being the biological parent of a child to obtain DNA evidence proving parenthood or non-parenthood.

Require that at least 97 percent of state and federal goods purchases by price be at least 95 percent manufactured in the US, except during pandemic national emergencies or wars consuming at least 40 percent of GDP, beginning 44 months after passage of this law.

Ban chiropracty and acupuncture.

Ban phase I, II, and III trials from charging study participants.

Require Internet transactions to pay the same sales, excise, and value-added taxes as other transactions. Pass a net neutrality law.

Prevent operating system providers from restricting customer chosen use of non-malware third party applications.

Repeal Section 1021 and Section 1022 from the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.

Ban entities convicted of wage theft from government contracts.

Prohibit government entities from requiring running water in homes worth under $80,000, provided such homes have rain barrels or tanks with combined storage greater than 200 gallons per person living in the households.

Require all law enforcement officials to take an annual oath stating it is not illegal to audio or video record the public behaviors of law enforcement officials and that they will not arrest or prosecute anyone for audio or video recording public activities, and that they will not confiscate those audio or video recordings. Withhold federal funds to any state or local government that concocts laws banning the recording of any public activities.

Do not enforce federal laws on the distribution and possession of laughing gas and alkyl nitrites in states that have decriminalized these substances.

Prohibit face and body exposing interviews for Federal government jobs, except in the Department of Defense and Department of Justice.

Prohibit laws restricting the use of cognitive testing by schools and employers.

Expand 18 USC 610 to include the coercion or commanding or intimidation of private sector, state government, and local government employees to have or not have specific political views, not including any claim to employment based on having political views differing from employers.

Grant any citizen significantly harmed by a monopoly or oligopoly the right the launch antitrust lawsuits.

Pass the Community Access Preservation Act of 2009 and The Local Community Radio Act. Ban media mergers and acquisitions involving media corporations having book values greater than $60 million. Prohibit all foreign entities from owning any US media entity that uses the US electromagnetic spectrum or has wires crossing US public lands.

Ban scroll increasing software updates without user opt-in.

Ban managers and employers from receiving any portion of tips given to other workers.

Pass the Open App Markets Act.

Require non-gated publicly owned parking lots and entities sending or receiving semi shipments to permit licensed semis and semi drivers to park and sleep overnight during non-working hours when available spaces exist, eliminating those entities' lawsuit liabilities for damages suffered by such drivers and semis. Create a $600 mandatory minimum littering fine at such locations.

Prohibit states from restricting judges' jury award changes.

Repeal all exemptions from libel and slander laws for all charities and corporations worth more than $24 million.

Randomly survey Lifeline phone participants. Prohibit companies having year-long user reported ratings below 2.8 on a zero to five scale from participating in the program.

Repeal the Hart–Cellar Act.

Pass the IG Independence and Empowerment Act.

Defund highway removal programs.

Strike investor state dispute settlements from trade agreements.

Prohibit purchasers of properties from being bound by restrictive covenants created by property sellers.

Prohibit government employees, former regulators, former political appointees, and former elected officials from non-disclosure agreements, including verbal non-disclosure agreements, except for classified information and attorney-client privileges. 

Prohibit states and local governments from regulating the amounts landlords charge for security deposits. Require new tenants to post photographic evidence of rental unit conditions to unalterable, date stamped internet sites.

Pass the Corporate Executive Accountability Act.

Require every publicly traded corporation to have at least one worker, elected by non-supervisory co-workers, on its board of directors.

Implement most of these reforms by Scott Amey, Sean Moulton, Geoff Wilson, Joanna Derman, and Joe Spielberger.

Ban US citizens and former citizens from donating to non-domestic politicians, political campaigns, and political NGOs.

Pass the Import Security and Fairness Act, closing the loophole permitting counterfeit imports and imports failing to pay fees, duties, and taxes.

Eliminate the so-called Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Use payment oversight reforms.

Ban current and former Federal elected officials and political appointees, along with their first degree relatives, including by marriage, from sitting on corporate and charitable boards.

Strengthen the Freedom of Information Act.

Pass the Freedom and Right to Emancipate from Exploitation Act, helping prevent advantage taking of adults having guardians.

Require providers of gift cards and under $100 balance remaining prepaid debit cards to return remaining balances to card bearers in cash upon bearer request. Prohibit gift cards and prepaid debit cards from having expiration dates. Prohibit fees on gift cards and prepaid debit cards.

Prohibit property theft by squatting.

Prohibit foreign and or multinational entities from donating to entities operating in the United States, except for food, housing, and healthcare donated to individuals below the top 10 percent in wealth or incomes.

Prohibit state and local taxes on non-alcohol foods served for takeout or outdoor dining.

Require all legal and financial  documents electronically communicated to US entities by corporations and US government entities to be in file formats openable by all common computer and smartphone operating systems without recipients having to download additional programs.

Ban law enforcement entities from supervising and or serving as coroners and or medical examiners.

Prohibit tariffs on scooters, bicycles, and electric motor vehicles weighing under 5,100 pounds.

Require employee classification for citizens working for the same entity at least 80 days per year and not having a business license while working for the entity.

Pass the 2022 CFO Vision Act and 2021 Administrative False Claims Act.

Ban anyone having a financial crime conviction, causing greater than $5,000 in harms, from political appointments and government elected positions. Ban CEOs, former CEOs, and corporate majority owners, who previously filed for personal or business bankruptcy, from political appointments and government elected positions. 

Prohibit foreign governments from suing US citizens having wealth under 9.4 million dollars in US courts. Prohibit foreign governments from suing non- multinational US organizations having book values under 19.1 million dollars in US courts.

Pass the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act. Permit airline pilots above 65 to continue piloting if they have overall health and cognitive functioning, including fluid reasoning, better than the median 60-year-old. Require such pilots to undergo annual tests for overall health and cognitive functioning.

Ban non-disclosure agreements involving government entities and government employees, except for sufficient physical safety and national security reasons.

Ban requiring building permits for structures under 100 square feet.

Pass the Allied Partnership and Port Modernization Act and the Incentivizing Expansion of US ports Act.

Prohibit white collar criminals, who caused at least $200,000 in harms, from prison early release programs.

Pass the Competitive Dollar for Jobs and Prosperity Act. Suspend "tax waivers on foreign government holdings of US financial assets in the" United States... "offset purchases of the foreign assets those countries found to be engaging in currency manipulation purchases known as countervailing currency intervention." Pass the Eliminating Global Market Distortions to Protect American Jobs Act.

Prohibit employers from requiring workers to kneel while working.

Prohibit business and foreign entity software from collecting and distributing users' geolocation data, except for 911 services and or when users click to opt in to only geolocation data specific questions.

Prohibit corporate user agreements from containing provisions violating state, local, and or federal laws.

Prohibit any entity from remotely turning on any US citizen electronic device without a court ordered warrant from a democratically elected US citizen judge.

Prohibit private employers from demanding access to electronic devices owned by employees and contractors.

Require drivers to be paid hourly wages, reserving per mile remuneration for work caused costs on drivers' own vehicles.

Eliminate federal and state term limits, except those related to retirement ages.

Ban Chinese, Russian, and OIC companies from US stock exchanges.

Ban States and local governments from prohibiting mandatory water breaks..

Require watermarking computer generated human images owned and or distributed by government entities and for-profit media entities as computer generated. Require water marking computer altered human images owned and or distributed by government entities and for-profit media entities as computer altered.

Require at least one "Pedestrians have the right of way everywhere in parking lots and on sidewalks," sign in all parking lots larger than 6,000 square feet.

Require book value greater than 3,010,000 times median annual household income businesses to break up, banning any entity from owning a plurality or more of more than one offshoot.

Prohibit exclusive recording and broadcasting rights of public amateur competitions.

Ban for profit electronic device operating systems designers from including political propaganda in their operating systems.

Pass the American Innovation and Choice Online Act. Pass the Ending Platform Monopolies Act.

Ban any individual from simultaneously sitting on the board of more than one corporation or charity.

Pass the Delete Act regulating data brokers.

Matt Stoller: break up the FDA, "so that its drugs and food divisions are separate, and it needs to take its mandate seriously to make for a resilient supply chain."

Pass the Meat and Poultry Special Investigator Act of 2022.

Ban race, ethnicity, and religion norming government and corporate employee performance evaluations.

Ban government entity exemptions from sales, excise, and value added taxes.

Pass a federal law similar to the West Virginia Wage Payment and Collection Act (PDF).

Require publicly traded corporations to change their charters when shareholders holding at least 55 percent of their stocks approve, provided the changes do not violate laws and legal contracts.

Require public publication of budget appropriation requests made by government entities, except Federal top secret requests.

Require clear, non-verbose, well-defined language in government rules.

Permit websites to put warnings about cookies in small fonts at the bottoms of pages rather than using pop-ups.

Ban government contracting with media companies having book values greater than 1.4 billion dollars. Ban government contracting with media companies having billionaires as shareholders.

Prohibit employers whose majority of goods and or services produced are not political and or religious from punishing their workers for not attending political and or religious training.

Prohibit employees working for employers whose majority of goods and or services produced are political and or religious from suing their employers and or fellow employees for political and or religious reasons.

Prohibit labor unions from punishing  union members for not attending union events, except employees of the labor union.

Prohibit states and local governments from regulating embryo screenings.

Pass the Preventing a Patronage System Act.

Ban the sale, purchase, and importation of guard dog, brachycephalic dog, and chronic pain prone dog breeds— including Rottweilers, pitbulls, and their mixes—except by military and law enforcement entities. Ban the sale, purchase, importation, and deliberate  breeding of dog breeds and mixed breeds causing more than ten human mauling deaths per decade, per 3.8 million breed population.

Ban the sale, purchase, and importation of dog breeds having mean adult weights greater than 60 pounds.

Ban the sale and purchase of the 14 dog breeds most likely to suffer heat stroke at counties and parishes having mean summer daytime highs greater than Milwaukee.

Prohibit local governments regulations from restricting the capture and elimination of harmful wild and feral animals.

Ban for profit computer operating system corporations from selling software other than operating systems.

Require businesses to return positive balances to customers canceling services, regardless of scam language buried in user agreements.

Ban corporations from owning or leasing slaughterhouses; ban corporations from owning or leasing seafood or freshwater food processing facilities; require such ownership by sole proprietors or first degree relative partnerships, limiting owners to one such facility, banning subleasing.

Pass the Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act.

Ban publicly funded faculty and administrators from accepting non-school remuneration for speeches.

Ban political appointees and elected officials from making purchases worth over $2,000 for under 80 percent of market value.

Ban political appointees and elected officials from selling objects and services for more than 120 percent of market value.

Require the central bank to make all its loan information public.

Prohibit states and local governments from requiring GMO labeling on GMO foods.

Impeach every living ex-president. Revoke most presidential pardons given by them.

Restore legal duties and funding to the Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration, along with Farmer Fair Practices Interim Final Rules. Repeal the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018.

Prohibit worker, management, and contractor contracts restricting the use of ethically efficient automation.

Require entities hiring non-business license having repair, domestic, construction, and landscaping help to provide 1099s when their helpers' annual remuneration exceeds $500.

Require each subscription having business to have an unsubscribe link in at least 12 point font on its home page, taking subscribers to only one other page, where subscribers may unsubscribe while being asked no more than three questions.

Ban states and local governments from prohibiting businesses from displaying photos of thieves, robbers, and murderers. Prohibit states and local governments from banning facial recognition technologies. 

Permit neither selling nor leasing parts of the US electromagnetic spectrum to foreign and multinational entities.

Prohibit states and local governments from restricting which groups elected officials and political appointees belong to, except rape, murder, terrorism, monarchism, religious rule, and financial crime advocating groups.

Create a resolution, in the event of coercive take over of Taiwan by China, recognizing the Taiwanese government as the government of all China, except Tibet.

Require anonymous coroners or medical examiners in politically relevant cases, assigned by an inspector general.

Prohibit non-disclosure agreements between government entities and businesses, except for sufficient trade secret and national security reasons.

Require leasors to release housing leasees from leases upon written request of leasees or their legal representatives when leasees have been hospitalized for more than one week or are the victim of law enforcement documented stalking or acquire a new government determined disability.

Create a mandatory minimum sentence of two days hard labor for protesters deliberately blocking and or delaying the legal movement of vehicles and or pedestrians for each vehicle and or pedestrian blocked and or delayed.

Require open to the public government offices to open later and remain open until at least 7:00 p.m. at least one day per week.

Prohibit non-compete agreements for any non-governmental employee earning under a yearly mean of $1,650 per week, except any worker practicing US government security clearances or being an employer's highest paid worker or receiving at least 600 hours of employer paid training in the previous year. 

Prohibit non-compete agreements for 1099 recipients earning under a mean of $780 per work day.

Ban non-compete agreements for gig workers earning under the 1099 yearly minimum.

Prohibit explicit and de facto no-poach agreements between and among non-governmental employers, except for chief executives at companies having more than 20 employees.

Ban no-poach agreements for 1099 recipients.

Ban non-solicitation agreements for employees earning under a yearly mean of $930 per week, except employees practicing US government security clearances or receiving more than 600 hours of employer paid training in the previous year.

Ban non-solicitation agreements for 1099 recipients.

Void non-compete and non-solicitation agreements at non-governmental entities that are seeking or have received bankruptcy protections, except for chief executives and employees practicing US government security clearances. 

Void non-compete and non-solicitation agreements for defunct employers.

Prohibit cell phone companies, internet service providers, and publicly funded Wi-Fi providers from blocking domestic political websites.

Pass the Journalism Competition Preservation Act of 2021.

Prohibit rental application fees from exceeding 290 percent of the local minimum hourly wage.

At the start of each presidential term, randomly select congresspersons to appoint one person to the White House Office of Legal Counsel, until filling the entire OLC staff. Fire unselected staff from the previous administration. Prohibit executive branch members from firing OLC staff. Require at least 60 percent Congressional vote to fire OLC staff. Require public publication of all non-classified OLC opinions.

Prohibit states and local governments from restricting the sheathed carry of machetes and hunting knives for hunting, gathering, gardening, landscaping, and self-defense purposes on open to the public sidewalks, in lawfully possessed vehicles, on possessor owned properties, on possessor rented properties, and on non-restricted public lands by adults having neither felony nor violent misdemeanor convictions.

Require government investigators to recuse themselves when investigations should investigate first, second or third degree relatives of investigators. Or current or former lovers or classmates of investigators. Or their employers or employees.

Ban any entity being non-labor boycotted, threatened with a non-labor boycott or threatened by extortion related criminal activities, from giving money, goods, services or employment to the entities threatening them or to other entities allied with the threatening entities.

Prohibit current and former elected officials and political appointees from signing non-disclosure agreements with businesses, except for sufficient national security or intellectual property protection reasons.

Prohibit zoning ordinances, except those prohibiting highly probable, sufficiently harmful noise violations, street parking violations, safety violations, pollution violations or mood altering drug violations.

Require government permit issuing entities to reach permit decisions within 60 days for housing construction and 150 days for other activities, reducing relevant government employee salaries 0.1 percent for each day of delay past 150.

Repeal all or parts of Comstock laws, not involving child exploitation.

Prohibit lawsuits based on anti-meritarian disparate impact assertions.

Prohibit states and local governments from requiring safety inspections more than once every two years and emissions inspections more than once every four years of under 16-year-old gasoline powered motor vehicles.

Pass the Sensitive Technologies Supply Chain Risk Management Act of 2022.

Require losing lawsuit defendants to pay only their proportion of fault, not the proportion of dead, insolvent or otherwise unobtainable defendants.

Ban for-profit door-to-door soliciting, except by neighbors owning or renting properties within 400 yards.

Ban for-donation door-to-door soliciting.

Ban telemarketing, except when a pre-existing financial relationship exists or prior in person meeting occurred.

Require all internet browsers to have easy-to-use, user controllable site blocking features.

Double the value added tax on new appliances and other household goods that connect to the internet.

Pass the Junk Fee Prevention Act.

Prohibit states and local governments from passing laws shielding businesses,  foreign entities, and non-profit entities from lawsuits.

Ban differing taxes on properties based on length of time owned.

Pass these air travel reforms.

Ban public-private partnerships using government funds, except with manufacturers having all their blue collar employees in the United States and paying all their employees at least $15 per hour.

Prohibit employers and publicly funded schools from pressuring individuals to display partisan political insignia.

Amend the National Labor Relations Act  to include the well-reasoned claims of domestic laborers, agricultural laborers, and independent contractors.

Repeal the misnamed Civil Rights Act of 1991.

In the event that reforms similar to this website are not enacted, peacefully divide the United States into dozens of smaller countries, including countries where ethical reasoning prevails, rather than selfish, wishful, repetitive, group-think, self-satisfied, confirmation biased litmus test demagoguery.

J.T. Fournier, last updated April 26, 2024